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2012 PPA Summer Camp Recap!

Hello all,

Can you believe that the 2012 Park Prep Academy Summer Camp has come to a close!  Before recapping the fun events of bubble week, let’s take a look back on some of the highlights from the entire summer camp!

The returning PPA students welcome their new camp friends by showing them the “ropes” and lend a helping hand at the start of camp in July!



Crafting friendship bracelets with friends!



Making some delicious treats during “Cooking and Baking Week” and CrAzY oUtFiT dAy!



Celebrating CrAzY hAt DaY!



Goehrig’s Bakery Field Trip!



Rita’s Ice Field Trip!



Field Trip to the Newark Museum and Planetarium!



Fun with Surprise Guest – Chiqui the Clown Magician!

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Water Park Excitement!


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Exploring the Turtle Back Zoo!

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Learning safety tips and riding an ambulance with Paramedic Tom Shields – “E.M.T. Tom”.

Exploring the fire house with the local firefighters!

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Creating and winning Olympic Gold Medals!

 Face Paint Day!

Making sunprints with a PPA Mommy!

The 2012 End of Camp Family Pizza Picnic at the Park!

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Well, that is all for the 2012 PPA Summer Camp!  We at Park Prep Academy would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all of the amazing students and families that were a part of camp this summer!  What a special summer it was!  We appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm immensely!

Have a great last few days of summer.  See you in September!



First Day of the 2012-2013 School Year is

Wednesday, September 5th!

Please check the 2012-2013 Blog Tab from here on out! :)

Click here to view all of the photographs from the 2012 PPA Summer Camp!