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“All About ME Week” is next!

Hello all!

Welcome to the first “real” blog post of the Park Prep Academy 2014-2015 school year!  This blog is updated every Friday and recaps the entire previous week of school! Read below to learn about all the learning and fun that took place during “Welcome to P.P.A. Week!”

After an amazing and fun-filled summer, the students of Park Prep Academy returned on Wednesday for the first day of the 2014-2015 school year – and what a day it was! Like the true preschool professionals they are, the older students of Park Prep helped usher in the new wave of “underclassmen”.  Throughout the short week, the older students helped the new students get acclimated to school and learn all of the different areas of the classroom. This was particularly helpful during morning stations (i.e. morning small group play areas) and with the daily routine.


first day friends


The students spent their morning exploring the classroom, learning the daily routine, and of course, doing their morning work.  Morning work during “Welcome (back) to PPA Week” included the following projects.

A special sentimental craft was made for all students celebrating their first day at Park Prep Academy – a handprint keepsake page!  Some of you may remember this craft from your child’s first day year(s) ago!

first day handprints


Seeing that the returning students were celebrating their first day back at school, the teachers designed a special backpack art project just for them.  The returning students were surely happy to be BACK and ready to take on their new “big kid at school” role!  They even set goals for the 2014-2015 school year ahead!


back to school backpack


On Thursday, the students worked together to create a partner-paint!  First, the students were grouped in pairs – one new student and one returning student in each pair.  Each student introduced him/herself to the partner then selected a color to paint with.  Each partner began by painting with the chosen color.  After a few minutes, the partners swapped sides and began adding their color to the partner’s painting!  In the end, each partner’s painting had a piece of their friend’s artwork too!  What a special art project and more importantly, special friendship!

partner paint

During the afternoon of “Welcome (back) to PPA Week”, the students enjoyed music and also discussed “the Rules of PPA”.  The rules are as follows…

1.  Play Nicely.

2.  Be Safe.

3.  Share.

4.  Listen.

And most importantly…

5.  Have Fun!

To help the students remember the rules, the teachers introduced them to two classroom puppets – Iggy the Iguana and Rory the Rooster!  The teachers explained that Iggy always did a great job following the rules of school.  Rory, on the other hand, did not always do such a great job following the rules of school.  Watch below as the students learn about Rule Number One– Always Play Nicely.



On Friday morning, the students started their day with a read aloud of the classic first day of school tale, The Kissing Hand, written by Audrey Penn.  In the story, Chester the raccoon is nervous and afraid to go to school for the first time.  Chester’s mommy tells Chester not to worry because school is fun!  She gives a kiss to Chester inside the palm of his hand and tells him to hold onto her kiss all day long while at school – especially if he feels sad.  Sure enough, Mommy’s kiss helps Chester throughout his day at school and quickly he learns just how much fun school can be!

For morning work on Friday, the students collaborated to prepare delicious Kissing-Hand inspired Rice Krispie treats!   Using a cookie cutter, the treats were molded into the shape of tiny hands and a scrumptious chocolate Hersey Kiss was placed right in the center of each hand!   What an adorable and enjoyable project!




On Friday afternoon, the students were introduced to Pete the Cat from Eric Litwin’s hit children’s book series.  In the story, Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes, the students met Pete the Cat who loves his white shoes so much that he sings a special song for them!  On his walk, Pete steps in an assortment of colorful items that stain and change his white shoes into a variety of different colors!  Does Pete the Cat cry?  Goodness no!  He keeps on walking and singing along!

The students loved the story so much and could hardly wait to dive right into the Pete the Cat activity the teachers had planned!  Each student was given a shoe of a particular color then Miss Taryn asked for helpers to come pick an item out of her Mystery Bag!  Depending on the color of the item selected from the Mystery Bag, the students with the matching color shoe in their hands got to come up and put shoes right on Pete’s feet!  For instance, what color would Pete the Cat’s shoes turn if he stepped on some bananas?  If you said, “Yellow!” then you are correct!  Take a look below to see the super fun activity unfold!




After the students said “See you soon” to Pete the Cat, the teachers took time to congratulate all of them on such an amazing first week of school.  The students were beaming with pride as they headed off to their afternoon stations.  Wow!  What an amazing week “Welcome (back) to PPA Week” was.  The 2014-20154 school year is bound to be the best one yet!  As always, thank you for reading.  Have a fun and safe weekend!



Send in a Family Photo + All About Me Posters Due Next Week!

Please try to send in the poster as early as possible to ensure that your child has an opportunity to share this poster in front of  his/her classmates.

Back to School Night – Wednesday, September 24th

(7:00-8:00 p.m.)

Parents Only Please

Theme for Next Week:

All about me Week