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“All About ME” Week Next!

Hello all!

Welcome to the first “real” blog post of the Park Prep Academy 2010-2011 school year!  As mentioned below, this blog is updated every Friday and recaps the entire week of school!  Read below to learn about all the fun that was had during “Welcome to P.P.A. Week!”

After an amazing and fun-filled summer, the students of Park Prep Academy returned on Thursday for the first day of the 2010-2011 school year – and what a day it was!  Like the true preschool professionals they are, the older students of Park Prep helped usher in the new wave of “underclassmen”.  Throughout the short week, the older students helped the younger/new students get acclimated to school and learn all of the different areas of the classroom.  This was particularly helpful during morning stations (i.e. morning small group play areas).

The students spent their morning exploring the classroom, learning the daily routine, and of course, doing their morning work.  Morning work during “Welcome to PPA Week” included the following projects.

A butterfly art project that said, “All of my butterflies flew away, After such a great first day at PPA!”

Seeing that the older students were celebrating their first day BACK at school, the teachers created a special poem project just for them.  The poem read:

On my first day of preschool long ago,

books like The Kissing Hand helped me to know

that Mommies and Daddies always return

and that school is a fun place to grow and learn!

Now that I’m a big kid and I know all the rules,

my job is to help out new friends at my school!

Here I am on my first day.

I can’t wait to learn through play!

In order to complete this project, the students wrote their name then drew a self portrait.  After the portrait was complete, the students had their hands painted and stamped onto the paper.  Then, they each stamped a heart in the center of their palm just like the little raccoon from the story.  Here is how the completed art turned out!

The students were surely ready to take on their new “big kid at school” role!

A special craft was made for all students celebrating their first day at Park Prep Academy – a handprint keepsake page!  Some of you may remember this craft from your child’s first day year(s) ago!

The afternoons were spent singing and dancing to music and also discussing “the Rules of PPA”.  The students created a great list of things that are “OK” to do at PPA and things that are “NOT OK” to do at PPA.  Here is what they came up with.

After the lists had been created, the teachers showed the students the classroom bulletin board that lists all of the rules.  Nearly everything that the students said fit under one of these rules!

Afterward, the students took turns role-playing each one of the rules.  Watch below to view one student demonstrating a voice that is clearly meant for outside!

Photo SharingVideo SharingPhoto Printing

Once the role-plays had been completed, the teachers took time to congratulate all of the students on such an amazing first week of school.  The students were beaming with pride as they headed off to their afternoon stations.

Well, that’s all for “Welcome to PPA Week”.  As always, thank you for reading.  Have a fun and safe weekend!



All About Me Posters Due Next Week!

Please try to send in the poster as early possible to ensure that your child has an opportunity to share this poster in front of his/her classmates.

Back to School Night – Wednesday, September 22nd

(7:30-8:30 p.m.)

Parents Only Please

Theme for Next Week: