Hello all,
“I Love My Daddy Week” was full of hard work, laughs, and a lot of love! The students worked diligently throughout the entire week to prepare the perfect Father’s Day gift for the big celebration on Friday! Read on below to learn all about what the students were up to this past week to show their appreciation to their Daddies!
Gift Factory opened up towards the end of last week and again on Monday and Tuesday as the students came over one by one and were asked to “Tell (the teachers) About Your Daddy”. Each student’s words were recorded under the title “Thoughts About My Daddy”. As is usually the case when asking preschoolers a question, the narratives noted a wide array of responses and were unbelievably adorable. Take a look below for a few highlights.
Once all the narratives had been recorded, the students began the second part of the project – a colorful illustration which would sit next to the narrative in a beautiful frame. The students worked very carefully to create a beautiful drawing to go inside the other part of the Father’s day frame. They did a fabulous job!
During the afternoons throughout “I Love My Daddy Week”, the students brainstormed lists relating to their Daddies and rehearsed a special musical Father’s Day Performance! On Thursday, the students created a list titled: “Funny Things Dads Do”. Here is what they came up with.
Toward the end of the week, the students completed the final part of the Father’s Day gifts – a page for the class “I Love My Daddy Because … Book”. Below are some of the responses.
Before the students knew it, the Father’s Day Celebration had arrived! Just like the Mother’s Day Celebration back in May, the Father’s Day Celebration began with a read aloud of the PPA student authored and illustrated book, “I Love My Daddy Because…”. Needless to say, the book was a huge hit! After hearing the story, the PPA Daddies were treated to a beautiful performance of a Father’s Day song. The excitement continued to build as the students and Daddies headed to the tables and were greeted by an assortment of delicious treats! As if the day was not sweet enough already, the students then presented the Daddies with their gifts! As was expected, the drawings and narratives were a huge hit! What a wonderful day it was!
We hope the Park Prep Daddies enjoyed the celebration and their gifts! Thank you to all the Daddies for joining us and also for always being the best Dads around! Happy Father’s Day!
Next week marks the end of the school year.
Tuesday, June 17th is the final school day
for all students.
(Monday, June 16th for all Three Dayers)
Wednesday, June 18th – PPA Graduation Day
(Tree Rug Students)