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“Fall/Autumn Week” is Next!

Hello all,

Feelings and Emotion Week was full of just that, Feelings and Emotions!  Through play, hard work, and discussion, the students practiced identifying and recognizing all sorts of feelings and emotions throughout the entire week!  Read on below to learn about all the fun that was had and learning that took place!

For their morning work on Monday and Tuesday, the students created a “Feeling Faces” Photo Album!  One by one, the students came over to have their photograph taken under a sign showing one of the following feelings:  Happy, Sad, Angry, or Silly!  The students blew the teachers away with their ability to show each feeling with such extremely expressive faces!  Here are some of the photos from the students “Feeling Faces” activity.



Here is a behind the scenes video to enjoy!


Photo SharingVideo SharingPhoto Printing

What amazing expressions!  The student photographs came out so great that the teachers created a bulletin board inspired by a PPA favorite read, The Feelings Book by Todd Parr .



During the afternoons of  “Feelings and Emotion Week”, the students discussed each feeling by creating a list for a few of the more common feelings.  Here is the list that the students came up with for what makes them feel happy.



Wednesday and Thursday were very special days at PPA!  The students transformed into children’s book publishers as they worked to create the first class books of the school year!  Each student carefully decorated their name page to insert into the book just above their photograph!



Once each student had done his/her part, the pages were added and the books were created!  With so many students at PPA, the students made one book for the girl students and one book for the boys!  The students LOVED reading their class books and seeing all of their classmates making the different facial expressions!  The books also served as great practice to help everyone learn all their friends’ names.   Take a look below to see a glimpse into the “How Are You Feeling Girls?” Book created by the Girls of PPA.  Parents, be sure to take a peek at both of the books on your next visit into the classroom!  They are certainly a “Must-Read” for the Fall! 🙂



Also on Thursday, the students sat down for a “Feelings and Emotion Week” Interview.  One by one, the students were called over and asked to identify different reasons why they might feel Happy, Sad, Angry, and Silly.  The answers were quite honest and certainly funny!  Here are some of the highlighted answers to each question.

What makes you feel HAPPY?

“I feel happy when I climb high on the playgound”.

“I feel happy when I sing songs in the car with Mommy.”

“I feel happy when my baby kisses me!”

What makes you feel SAD?

“I feel sad when Mommy says, “No!” to me.”

“I feel sad when I get a boo-boo.”

“I feel sad when I want to go somewhere but I can’t.”

What makes you feel ANGRY?

“I feel angry when Mommy puts me in ‘Time Out’.”

“I feel angry when I hit Daddy and he gets mad at me.”

and the teacher’s personal favorite…

“I do not get angry.”

What makes you feel SILLY?

“I feel silly when Mommy and Daddy tickle me!”

“I feel silly when I make silly faces in a picture!”

“I feel silly when I wear silly clothes!”

After the teachers wrote the student responses, the students were asked which emotion/feeling they wanted to make a face of!  Here are some of the faces that were assembled!



“Feelings and Emotion Week” wrapped up on Friday with a classroom favorite activity – a Fun/Happy Free Paint!



Thursday and Friday afternoon were some of the silliest afternoons at school yet!  The students had a blast participating in what the teachers affectionately call, “Emotion Motion”.  Rather than just discussing the different emotions, the students were asked to use their bodies to SHOW a particular emotion!  For instance, can you (yes, you at home!) do a happy walk?  How about an angry march?  How about a silly dance?  Watch below as the students have a ball doing their Emotion Motions!


Photo SharingVideo SharingPhoto Printing

Well, that is all for “Feelings and Emotion Week!”  What an amazing (and silly) week it was!  Be sure to click the link below to visit the PPA Photo Gallery and view all of the students’ Feelings photographs!  As always, thank you for reading.  See you next week!



October Tuition is due next week before or by:

Thursday (2 day students)

Friday (3/5 day students)

Tuition not recieved by the designated due date will have a $25 late fee added.

Upcoming School Events:

School Picture Day

Friday, October 12th

ALL STUDENTS (regardless of enrollment  schedule) should arrive by 8:30 a.m.  Individual portraits and class  photographs will be taken. Students who do not attend school on Fridays (2 dayers) will be picked up before lunch at 12:00 p.m. Students who attend school on Friday will stay for the full school day.

PPA Pumpkin Picking and Decorating Party

Friday, October 19th

(2:00-3:00 p.m.)

All PPA students and parents are welcome to attend this event.

Aftercare is not available.

PPA Halloween Party

Wednesday, October 31st

(2:00-3:00 p.m.)

All PPA students and parents are welcome to  attend this event.

Aftercare is not available.

Theme for Next Week: