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“Halloween Week” is next!

Hello all,

“Letter D is for Dogs Week” was dynamic, dynamite and definitely not difficult nor dangerous!  The students kicked off letter D week by coming to school with dozens of D shares.  These shares included animals such as dogs, dolphins and ducks, and foods such as dumplings and doughnuts.  We even had a diaper borrowed from a new sibling!  Fortunately, the student did not take the Letter D theme too seriously and bring a Dirty Diaper in for share!  Take a look below to see how one student arrived at school on Monday!




The students arrived at school on Monday and Tuesday and dove right into the swing of things as they headed into their morning stations.  They also completed their letter D tracing/writing identification activities.  During the afternoons, the students worked together to brainstorm a bountiful list of letter D words!  Take a look below to see what they came up with – wow, that is a lot of D’s!  The students also went “hunting” for Letter D’s around the school.  Believe it or not, they found D’s ALL OVER the place – D’s in the Duplo table, D’s on the bookshelves, D’s in the Kitchen – there were D’s EVERYWHERE!  Take a look at this photo below, how many D’s do you see in this photograph?


letter d


The art exploration of Dogs began on Wednesday as the students created the first craft of the week!  Using some googly eyes, a pompom and several felt pieces, the students transformed a regular old envelope into a super soft and super cute dog puppet!  Take a below look to see the students in action!


dog puppet


Speaking of transformation, on Thursday the students arrived at school as kids but went home as doggies!


dog ears


During the afternoons on Wednesday and Thursday, the students had Spanish class where they said Adios to Unit One – Greetings and Hola to Unit Two – Los Numeros (Numbers).  Take a look below to see their new vocabulary.


Los Numeros (Numbers)

Uno – 1

Dos – 2

Tres – 3

Cuatro – 4

Cinco – 5

Seis – 6

Siete – 7

Ocho – 8

Nueve – 9

Diez – 10


On Friday the students created the final (and fuzziest) dog of the week!  Using yarn pieces, the students assembled their doggie with ease!


fuzzy dog


Friday afternoon wrapped up with a technology presentation all about the letter D and Dogs!  The students viewed various images of different breeds of dogs and also discussed the importance of always being careful and safe around doggies – they are animals after all!  The D song and the Dancing Doggie below were certainly highlights of the presentation!  Enjoy!




What great moves that Doggie has!  🙂  Well, that is all for “Letter D is for Dogs Week”.  As always, thank you for reading and have a fun and safe weekend!




November Tuition is due next week

Wednesday (3 dayers)

Thursday (2 and 5 dayers)

Upcoming School Events:

PPA Halloween Party

Thursday, October 31st

(2:00-3:00 p.m.)

All PPA students and parents are welcome to  attend this event (in costume!) 🙂

Aftercare is not available.

Theme for Next Week:
