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“Happy New Year Week” Blog Recap!

Hello all,

Happy New Year!  The students returned to school from winter recess and greeted their teachers along with old (and even some new) friends warmly!  It was clear from the huge smiles and open arms embraces, the students surely missed their pals during the holidays.   Both parents and teachers alike were overcome with joy to see the  genuine excitement on the students’ faces while mid-embrace.  Once the excitement settled, the students dove right in and began playing and getting back to work!  Read on below to learn about what the students were up to during “Happy New Year Week!”

Wednesday began with a silly morning meeting.  Not only did Miss Christine write the message as “Today is Monday” she also wrote “January 2, 2018!”  Thankfully the PPA students are so bright, they corrected Miss Christine’s wacky message right away!  Speaking of 2018, the students spent the morning adding some extra pizzazz to the new year!  Take a look how they did it below!



On Thursday, the students continued the fun as they created another piece of new year/new season artwork.



During the afternoon on both Wednesday and Thursday, the students gathered in small groups to discuss what they had done over the winter break.  Each student had a turn being the “speaker” and a “listener” within their small group.  After each “speaker” had finished sharing about their winter recess, the listeners then took turns asking questions!  The students really blew the teachers away with their descriptive details and busy winter recess plans!  From dance recitals to museum tours to airplane rides and more, the students of PPA surely had a great time off!


To wrap up the week, the students spent Friday morning creating a beautiful free painting at the classroom art easel.  Here they are in action!



During the afternoon, the students discussed a very important topic – New Year’s Resolutions.  The teachers explained that a resolution is something that you set your mind to do!  One by one, the students took turns sharing what their resolutions were.  What amazing goals the students set for themselves!

PPA Student Resolutions 2019

-Visit Grandma more.

-Be the best big brother!

-Learn how to read – even big words!

-Make better robot drawings!

-Sing more songs!

-Dance a lot!


Well, that is all for “Happy New Year Week!”  2019 is bound to be the best year yet!  As always, thank you for reading!  Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy New Year! 🙂



Next School Closing:

Monday, January 21st

Observation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Theme for next week:

Letter K is for…