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“Healthy Eating and Nutrition Week” Blog Recap!

Hello all,

“Healthy Eating and Nutrition Week” has come and gone and boy, was it great! Read on below to learn all about the fun that was had and learning that took place!

Monday and Tuesday mornings were spent at the amazing Sprinkler/Water Park!   Take a look below to see the students splishing and splashing in the cool water and hot sun!



Upon return to the classroom, the students began a discussion all about the theme of the week – Nutrition.  The teachers explained that food is very important for our bodies because it provides us with the ENERGY to be awake, run, play, grow and more!  The teachers explained that just like the battery-operated toys we play with, our bodies run out of energy sometimes.  We need to feed our bodies food each day, several times a day, to get the energy to make them work.  The teachers then asked the students if it mattered what type of food they put into their bodies.  For instance, could we just eat ice cream all the time to get energy?  The students laughed at the idea of the teachers eating ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day!  The smart students of Park Prep Academy explained that ice cream, while yummy, is not the best to eat all day because it has a lot of sugar in it.  They continued that A LITTLE sugar is okay but it is not the best to eat A LOT of sugar because sugar does not have vitamins and nutrients in it like other foods do.  The teachers were impressed!  They explained that if we eat foods that do not have a lot of vitamins and nutrients, our bodies (or “batteries”) will not work that well.  To ensure that the students knew the difference between Very Healthy/Nutritious Foods and “Sometimes Foods”, they created the following lists!



On Wednesday, the students utilized their knowledge of healthy foods and learned how to prepare delicious and nutritious smoothies!  The teachers began the lesson by showing the students several very full bowls of fruit.  They asked if the students could eat ALL of the fruit.  The students quickly burst into laughter at the thought of eating so much!  The teachers explained that a blender can help mix all the fruits together into a yummy liquid, called a smoothie, that is easy to drink!  This smoothie drink helps your body get a lot of vitamins and nutrients without making your belly feel so full!  One by one, the students took turns selecting the piece(s) of fruit they wanted to add to the smoothie.  With a little help from the teachers, the fruit was sliced and thrown into the blender.  They also added spinach and kale leaves to get some veggies in the smoothie!  A few scoops of Greek yogurt and several ice cubes helped give the smoothie a creamy and cool taste!  The smoothies sure were delicious and most importantly, nutritious!



Speaking of nutritious, the PPA students were visited by not one but TWO very special community helpers on Thursday!  Miss Jenna and Miss Steph are two of the many Registered Dietitians who work at the neighborhood Shop Rite grocery stores!  Miss Jenna and Miss Steph explained that they help people in our community make healthy food choices while doing their food shopping!  The students were delighted to learn that they would be making a delicious and nutritious “Bears On The Beach” snack with Miss Jenna and Miss Steph!  Take a look below to see them in action.  A special PPA THANK YOU to Miss Jenna and Miss Steph for visiting PPA!  We will look for you on our next adventure to Shop Rite!  🙂



On Friday, the students spent the day learning about where our healthy vegetables come from.  After reading a fun farm story in the morning, the students could hardly contain their excitement when they learned they would be planting their very own seeds in a pot which they would be taking home to continue caring for!  With some time and some tender love and care, some delicious veggies will soon sprout!  We can hardly wait to see what blossoms!  Please keep us posted on any developments in your child’s veggie plant!  🙂



Well, that is all for “Healthy Eating/Nutrition Week” but the nutrition fun certainly does not end today!  Be sure to make great food choices all summer and year long!  🙂  As always, thank you for reading!  See you next week!




Monday and Tuesday – Sprinkler/Water Park Day and Art Day!

All students should arrive sun-screened and dressed for outdoor water play! Please pack a towel and complete change of clothes for your child. Swim shoes are suggested.

PLEASE SEND IN AN ADULT SIZE T-SHIRT (one that can be cut and decorated) ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY!

Wednesday– The Great Story Play Place Field Trip

Camp Bus leaves at 9:00 a.m. SHARP!  Returns at 12:30 p.m.

Students must wear their camp t-shirt today. All students/field trip attendees must pack a completely disposable lunch in a disposable lunch bag (i.e. paper bag/plastic bag). Please keep in mind, this also means utensils, food/drink containers, and more. REMEMBER – No peanut butter/nuts allowed.

Thursday – ART DAY!

Tuition for August Due for 2 dayers – End of July Camp for 2 dayers

Friday – ART DAY!

Tuition for August Due for 3 and 5 dayers

FINAL DAY OF JULY CAMP (for 3 and 5 dayers) IS MONDAY, JULY 31st – Thank you for joining us this summer! 🙂