Hello all,
¡El Segundo Semana de Ejercitacion en Espanol fue muy buena! – i.e. – The second week of Spanish Review was very good! The students picked up right where they left off at the end of “Spanish Review Week Uno” as they spent the entire week practicing and reviewing the vocabulary they learned throughout the second part of the 2012-2013 school year. Whether it was during share time, morning work or morning stations, the students clearly had Spanish Review on their minds!
The unit of Spanish Review on Monday was La Ropa (clothing). Similar to last week, the students crafted special projects or participated in special games to help review their vocabulary. To review clothing, the students played a listening game which asked them to Guess the Amigo (friend) by listening to the clothing description. This also proved to be a very helpful in reviewing los colores. Take a look at the photo below to see if you can Guess which Amigo the clues are describing!
1. This amigo is wearing una camisa y pantalones.
(This friend is wearing a shirt and pants.)
2. La Camisa es AZUL.
(The shirt is blue.)
3. Los Pantalones es GRIS.
(The pants are gray.)
Well, do you know who it is? If you said, this friend than you are correct!
On Tuesday, the students reviewed their Los Animales (animal) vocabulary and then created a very tall animale of their own. Using a paper towel roll and construction paper, the students created their own miniature Jirafa (or giraffe). Here is how they turned out!
Tuesday afternoon was a very exciting one as the afternoon began with a visit from the Jersey City Public Library Book Mobile! In small groups, the students hopped aboard the Library Bus and were stunned to see a full library inside! The students took turns combing the shelves for their library selections. How exciting! Seeing that it is so close to the end of the school year, the teachers decided to keep the students book selections at the school. The library books were read and thoroughly enjoyed throughout the entire week! What an exciting treat the Book Mobile was!
Speaking of books, a PPA Mommy (or madre) also came to visit the students on Tuesday. The Madre featured below came in to read to the students in Spanish! She selected one of the classroom favorites – ¡No Dejes Que la Paloma Conduzca el Autobus! i.e. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Needless to say, the students had a blast! Gracias to this Madre for spending the afternoon with us!
On Wednesday, the students reviewed their La Comida vocabulary – and what better way to discuss food than to get cooking! The students used pan (bread), queso (cheese), y tomate (tomato) to make their own mini-pizzas! The students thought it was hilarious to hear that the Spanish word for Pizza is still Pizza! During the afternoon, the pizzas were cooked and thoroughly enjoyed!
Also on Thursday afternoon, the students transformed the classroom into a supermarket as they went food shopping with their Spanish Shopping Lists! See for yourself below!
Photo Sharing – Video Sharing – Photo Printing
Thursday and Friday of Spanish Review Week Dos were spent discussing and reviewing all of the various units of Spanish study as well as getting a jumpstart on some extra special Father’s gifts! Be sure to check back next week for the second to last blog entry of the year which will detail all of the thought, hard work, and love that goes into ”I Love Daddy Week!” As always, thank you for reading and have a fun and safe weekend!
Next PPA Event:
Father’s Day Ice Cream Sundae Celebration
Friday, June 14th
2:00-3:00 p.m.
(no aftercare available)
Attendance is limited to the PPA student and his/her Daddy.