Hello all,
“Letter B is for Bumble Bee Week” was By far the Best week of the 2019-2020 school year yet! The students entered school each day with a bountiful amount of Letter B shares! Everything from Ballet slippers, Bowling pins, Baby Bottles, and Baseballs was sent in and shared! There were Bulks of Letter B Books that came in as well! To help explore the letter B, the students also studied all about Bumble Bees! Well, “Letter B is for Bumble Bee Week” has come and gone. Read on below to discover the learning that took place and fun that was had throughout the week!
The students spent both Monday and Tuesday morning working one on one with the teachers to complete their Letter B tracing/identification/fine motor activity sheets. The teachers were so impressed with how easily the new students recognized the letter B and also how well the older students remembered all things “B” during their morning work! In the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday, the students created the second letter list of the year! Naturally, the letter B list was a big one! As a whole group, the students took turns brainstorming and contributing words that begin with the letter B!
How many B shares do you see?
Answer: Bear Book, Butterfly Backpack, Bear, Blocks, letter B, and Binoculars
Wednesday began the students art exploration of the letter B as well as the theme of the week – Bumble Bees! The morning art activity had to do with what bees build to work and live in. Do you know what something like this is called? If you said, “a beehive”, then you are correct! The students used hexagon shapes from one of their morning stations to stamp gluey hexagons all over a brown piece of paper cut into the shape of a hive. Next, the students added glitter to the gluey hexagons to create shiny honeycombs all over the beehive! The final and most important part of the beehive was the bee! The students added a tiny bee and the project was complete!
The art exploration of bumble bees continued on Thursday morning as the students created an adorable bumble bee craft! Here is how they did it! The project required each student to identify and assemble the various parts of a bumblebee including the head, body, wings, and everyone’s least favorite part – the stinger! Here is how the completed project turned out. We are happy to report that no children were stung in the making of these projects! 🙂
In the afternoon on both Wednesday and Thursday, the students participated in Spanish class where they continued their exploration of the new Greetings vocabulary and also were introduced to another unit of study – Los Numeros (numbers). Here is the vocabulary they learned.
Gracias – Thank You
De nada – You’re Welcome
Uno – 1
Dos – 2
Tres – 3
Cuatro – 4
Cinco – 5
Seis – 6
Siete – 7
Ocho – 8
Nueve – 9
Diez – 10
Keeping it simple at the start, the students worked on reciting the numbers 1- 5 while moving their bodies. Would you like a turn?
Clap your hands – DOS (2) – times!
Jump up to the sky – TRES (3)- times!
Flap your arms like a chicken – CUATRO (4) – times!
Way to go! You are great at understanding Spanish!
Also in the afternoon on Thursday (as well as on Friday morning), the students participated in a technology presentation all about – you guessed it, BEES! The students learned about what bees do and how they make honey.
They also learned all about the important role bees play in the world – gathering nectar and pollinating flowers to help them grow!
On Friday, the students enjoyed a sweet treat made with real honey from some local bees! They started by adding some delicious vanilla yogurt and granola. A squeeze of honey helped make this delicious treat disappear in moments!
During this past week, the students not only learned a Bunch aBout Bees, they also welcomed numerous guest readers to our classroom! Here are some photographs from the visits! A tremendous PPA Thank You to all the families that spent some time in our classroom this week!
Well, that is all for “Letter B is for Bumble Bee Week”; it sure was a Blast! As always, thank you for reading and have a fun and safe (long) weekend!
October 14th
Observation of Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day
PPA Halloween Party
Thursday, October 31st
(2:00-3:00 p.m.)
All PPA students and parents are welcome to attend this event.
School ends at 3:00 p.m. today. Aftercare is not available.