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“Letter C is for Colors Week” is Next!

Hello all,

Despite being a short week, “Letter B is for Baseball Week” was still a major “hit” at PPA!  The students really “hit it out of the park” when it came to baseball-themed shares!  Take a look at the student photographed below who arrived at school each day showing his major league support!



After enjoying an extra weekend day in honor of Columbus Day, the students arrived at school on Tuesday and got right to work in their morning stations and also on their letter B tracing/writing identification activities.  The students had a great time playing and cheering on the winning team at the PPA baseball stadium Miss Elizabeth built at the lego station!



During the afternoon, the students worked together to brainstorm a bountiful list of letter B words!  Take a look below to see what they came up with – boy, that is a lot of B’s!



During the afternoon on Tuesday (and Wednesday), the students went “hunting” for Letter B’s around the school.  Be-lieve it or not, they found B’s ALL OVER the place – B’s in the books, B’s in the blocks, B’s on the Boys (clothing).  There were B’s EVERYWHERE!  Take a look at this photo Be-low, how many B’s do you see in this photograph of a beautiful beaded bear building with blocks?



Also on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, the students learned a baseball-themed song – “Take Me Out To The Ballgame!”  Here is a few of students signing the oldie (but a goodie)!


Photo SharingVideo SharingPhoto Printing

By Thursday, the baseball art exploration Be-gan as the students created their very own Big BaseBall!  Here is how the Big BaseBalls were created!



After two rainy days to start the week, the students finally were able to get outside on Thursday!  Usually the students head to the playground but seeing that it was “Letter B is for Baseball Week” the teachers decided to mix things up a bit and bring out the baseball tees!  Needless to say, the students had a “ball” taking turns coming up for their “at bat” at the tee!  Here are some of the students in action!



During the afternoon on Thursday (and Friday), the students participated in Spanish Class.  Since it was the second week of Spanish class, the students began by reviewing their “Hola Song” (see last week’s blog entry) as well as their Greetings vocabulary.  Here is a list of the vocabulary that they will be learning and practicing during the upcoming weeks.



Hola (Hello)

Adiós (Goodbye)

Gracias (Thank You)

De nada (For Nothing/You’re Welcome)


Friday was Picture Day at PPA!  Dressed in their preschool finest, the students arrived at school and they looked Be-yond Be-autiful!  Each child posed in front of the camera for his/her individual portrait and also in a group class shot.  The school photograph proofs will be available for viewing in approximately two/three weeks.  Depending on how quickly the order forms are returned back to school, the student photo packages will likely be ready for distribution before Thanksgiving!  Well, that is all for “Letter B is for Baseball Week”.  As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful (and safe) weekend!



Theme for Next Week:

FRIDAY is the PPA Pumpkin Picking and Decorating Party

(2:00-3:00 p.m.)

Aftercare is not available.

Due to a near 100% projected attendance, we kindly ask that attendance to the party is limited to the PPA student and Mommy and/or Daddy.