Hello all,
Letter E is for Eric Carle Week was Extraordinary, Exciting, Exhilarating, Excellent, Etc. Etc. Not only did the students learn all about the world renowned author/illustrator, Eric Carle, they also celebrated Halloween this week! Read on below to see all of the fun that was had and learning that took place.
In the morning on Monday and Tuesday, the students worked one on one with the teachers to complete their Letter E tracing/writing identification activity sheets. The students were a bit confused to hear that words like elephant started with the letter E. The students who are practicing sounding out and writing words had a tough time hearing the E sound at the beginning of elephant or “L-ephant” and we see why! The letter E sound can be pretty tricky at the beginning of words like elephant or exercise!
During the afternoon, the students brainstormed all the letter E words they could think of! They also hunted for E’s around the classroom. The E hunting continued even as the students headed outside to the park! The students found so many E’s in street signs, buildings, and parked cars in the neighborhood that one student commented, “Wow! Maybe we should change this street name [from Central Avenue] to E Street!” Here is the list the students came up with.

Can you name the Letter E shares in this picture?
Answer: Eggs, Eggplant, Elsa, E, and Elephant!
On Wednesday, the students began their art exploration of Eric Carle. Seeing that Halloween was the next day, the teachers picked the perfect story to read – The Very Busy Spider. After enjoying the story, the students squeezed and dripped assorted glitter glue onto a black paper cutout. The gluey mess designs became sparkly spiderwebs! The only piece that was missing was the spider, of course! A fuzzy pom-pom spider helped fix that! What a sparkly, fun and festive art project!
Thursday was Halloween and the students (and parents) arrived at school in their Halloween costumes – boy, did they look great! Before long, it was time for the PPA Halloween Celebration to begin! After reading a silly story, the students marched around the classroom in their costumes! Once the parade had made its way through, the students had a chance to play and dance together as well as enjoy some special Halloween treats! What an amazing day it was! A special PPA thank you to all of the families who attended the Halloween Party. Be sure to scroll to visit the school Facebook page to view ALL of the photographs from the 2019 PPA Halloween Celebration!
The students also participated in Spanish class during the afternoons throughout the week where they began a new unit – Los Colores (colors). Be sure to check below for some of the vocabulary they will be working with over the next few weeks.
New Student Vocab:
Red – Rojo
Blue – Azul
Yellow- Amarillo
Green – Verde
Purple – Morado
Orange – Naranja
Beginner Group:
(above list plus the following)
Pink – Rosado
Gray – Gris
Black- Negro
Brown – Marrón
White- Blanco
Light – Claro i.e. Azul Claro (Light Blue)
Dark – Oscuro i.e. Azul Oscuro (Dark Blue)
Also during Letter E Week, the students were visited by several Guest Readers! A special PPA Thank You to the Mommy and Daddy featured below! If you would like to visit us at PPA soon, please see Ms. Jocelyn!
To help keep the fun going, the students began Friday morning by reading Eric Carle’s story, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?. In the story, the Brown Bear is asked what it sees which leads to the colorful exploration of various animals. After hearing the story, the students were asked the same question by the teachers, “Student, Student, What Do You See?” Here is what they came up with!
“Letter E is for Eric Carle Week” culminated with a super exciting technology presentation where the students had the opportunity to “meet” Eric Carle and learn a bit about his work!
Of course, those silly Storybots made an appearance as well!
Wow! What an incredible author/illustrator Eric Carle is and what an amazing week “Letter E is for Eric Carle Week” turned out to be! As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful and safe weekend! We will see you next week!
School Closed: Monday, November 11th
Parent-Teacher Conferences
will take place between November 12th -22nd
Please check your email/school calendar for your scheduled time
Thanksgiving Recess
Wednesday, November 27th – 11:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Dismissal
School Closed Thursday and Friday (Nov. 28-29)
Theme for Next Week: