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“Letter J is for Jellyfish Week” Blog Recap!

Hello all,

The students returned to school from the weekend and dove right in – to the ocean, that is!  “Letter J is for Jellyfish Week” was Jolly, Joyful, Jubilant and Jazzy!  From the silly putty table to the rubber band station, the students clearly had jellyfish on the brain!  Throughout the entire week, the students brought in some great letter J shares!  Whether it was Jazzy Jewelry, Jump ropes, a Jack in the box, or Jingle bells, one thing was for sure – everything had to do with the letter J!  Be sure to continue reading to learn about all of the fun that was had and learning that took place!

On Monday and Tuesday morning, the letter J excitement began with the students completing their letter J identification activity sheets. The students had to trace/write the letter J, distinguish the letter J against other letter sounds, and color the letter J pictures. It was hard work but definitely fun! In the afternoon on both Monday and Tuesday, the students created a list of letter J words.


Do you see any letter J shares?

Answer:  Jungle Book, Juice, Jewelry, Joke book!


They also began getting ready for our soon-to-be new season – WINTER – by filling the water table with (artificial) snow!  Since it was “Letter J is for Jellyfish Week”, the students decided to add some squishy and jiggly water beads as well!  Take a look at how the beads started out and how they ended up by Friday!



Wednesday began the artistic exploration of the theme of Letter J week – Jellyfish! The students could hardly believe their eyes when they saw what they would be making – a realistic looking jellyfish! With a little contact paper, glitter, sequins, and ribbon, the students created super see-through jellies that certainly were swimmy! Take a look below too see the students in action!



Opting not to use the traditional paper plate, the teachers wracked their brains on Thursday morning to find an alternative material to create a jellyfish craft – behold the cupcake wrapper jellyfish!



During both Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, the students participated in Spanish class where they completed the final week of their unit – Los Numeros (numbers).  The last day of the week began with some “cooking”.  The students worked together to make a few jiggly batches of Jell-O! Once the Jell-O mixtures had been mixed and stirred thoroughly, the students filled the bottom third of a see-through cup and dropped in two sweet raisins (for eyes). Off to the fridge the cups went and the students headed back to their morning work stations.



A few short hours later, the students woke up from rest time and participated in a technology presentation all about – You guessed it, Jellyfish! The students loved watching them swim in the ocean and even learned some amazing Jellyfish facts! Do you know what a Jellyfish Bloom or a Jellyfish Smack is? The students do! That is what a group of jellyfish in a small space is called!



Things really got exciting when the students learned that their Jell-O Jellyfish were ready! The students dove right in and gobbled up those Jell-O Jellyfish faster than real sea predators! Judging from the yummy smiles, the students really enjoyed their Jell-O Jellies!



Letter J week was not only fun but delicious too! As always, thank you for reading! Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week for some “Winter Fun Week” fun!




Tuition Reminder – Monthly Installment Users

Tuesday – 2 Dayers

Wednesday MORNING – 3 and 5 Dayers

PPA Winter Holiday Celebration– Wednesday, December 19th

(2:00-3:00 p.m.)

Aftercare is not available.

Due to space, we kindly request that attendance is limited to PPA students and PPA parent(s).

Winter Recess 12/20– 1/1

School Resumes on Wednesday, January 2, 2018

Theme for Next Week: