Hello all,
“Letter J is for Jungle Week” was joyful, jubilant, jovial and just jazzy! Read on below to learn about the fun that was had and learning that took place!
The students came to school on Monday ready to get started learning about the letter J and Jungles, of course! One student in particular was really ready as she arrived to school dressed as an actual jungle animal! Can you guess which animal the student below was on Monday?
If you guess a Jaguar than you are correct! She even had the tail!
Monday and Tuesday morning were spent working on letter J activities! The students had to trace or write the letter J as well as make the sounds of the letter J! When it came time for the letter J lists and hunting in the afternoon, the students added some great words and MANY names to the list. Who knew there was so many children (and even teachers) at PPA with J-names? As was the case during letter G week, the word “Juh-Juh-raffe” (or giraffe) was suggested for the J list. Fortunately, the students remembered that some letters are super tricky and have different sounds – silly G! Here is the list from Monday’s class.
Tuesday afternoon wrapped up with a “sneak-peek” at the art project that would take place throughout the rest of the week. The students learned that they would be making their own Jungle books like Disney’s The Jungle Book.
The students returned to school on Thursday and Friday, after a snow day on Wednesday, ready to get to work! Having to work extra hard to make up for lost time, the students put their little noses to the grind as they feverishly authored and illustrated their books. The first page that the students worked on read, “My favorite small Jungle animal is…”. The students (and teachers) filled in their answers and then added the illustration. Look below to see what some of the PPA students said were their favorite small Jungle animals.
The next page read, “My favorite LARGE Jungle animal is…”. Take a peek below to see what the students wrote and drew.
The final page of the Jungle Book read, “If I could turn into ANY Jungle animal, I would want to be …”.
Once the final page had been added, the students had to create their cover! While coloring, one student expressed his excitement as he stated that his Mommy and Daddy would love this book because he was the author! The student next to him only added to his excitement as she stated that he was also the illustrator! The students did such an amazing job creating their books and were so eager to head home to share them!
During the afternoon on Thursday and Friday, the students had Spanish class where they reviewed their food vocabulary from last week and also added some new words to the mix. Here are the other words that the students learned.
pan – bread
ensalada – salad
tomate – tomato
lechuga – lettuce
agua – water
Do you know what the student pictured below is holding up?
Lechuga – which is very important when you are making ensalada!
Friday afternoon (and every dance party that week) wrapped up with a special Jungle song! Below is the song that the students learned throughout the week. Needless to say, The Lion King footage in the background made it a real hit! Enjoy!
Well, that is all for Letter J is for Jungle Week! As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful and safe weekend! See you next week!
School is Closed Monday
January 17th – Observation of Martin Luther King Day
**Any student whose file does not have documentation of the annual Influenza vaccination will not be permitted to enter school on Tuesday, January 18th**
If your child has received the vaccine please have your pediatrician’s office fax the record to PPA at (201) 217-0209 before Tuesday