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“Letter O is for Ocean Week” is next!

Hello all,

“Letter N is for Numbers Week” was certainly ONE of the nicest weeks of the 2014-2015 school year yet!  The students entered school each day with numerous Letter N shares! Everything from Necklaces to Noodles, Ninja Turtles to Norah Jones CDs, and of course, all things Numbers were sent in and shared!  Speaking of numbers, there were numerous number-themed books that came in as well!  Now, these number books were not just limited to numbers in English!  Take a look below to see one student demonstrating how to say numbers 1-8 in Mandarin Chinese! 🙂



Wow!  What an amazing job!  Well, “Letter N is for Numbers Week” has come and gone.  Read on below to discover the learning that took place and fun that was had throughout the week!

The students spent Tuesday and Wednesday morning enjoying their activity stations which had all been given a number-iffic twist!  Whether it was measuring friends in the Wooden Block Area, scooping for colored quantities in the Water Table or playing Number Bingo with friends, one thing was for sure – it was fun!  Throughout the morning, the students were called over one on one by the teachers to complete their Letter N identification/fine motor activity sheets. The teachers were so impressed with how easily the new students recognized the letter N and also how well the older students remembered all things “N” during their morning work!  In the afternoon on Tuesday (and Wednesday), the students created the fourteenth letter list of the year!  As a whole group, the students took turns brainstorming and contributing words that begin with the letter N and also hunted around the classroom for letter N items!  Take a look at the list that Wednesday’s group came up with!


Letter N MW List Shares

How many letter N shares do you see?

Answer: Nest book, Letter N Alpha-bot, Necklace, Norah Jones CD, and a REAL Bird Nest (Thanks, Miss Elizabeth and Dr. Greenwald!)

 On Thursday, the students continued their number exploration as they worked collaboratively to create a delicious and number-tastic fruit salad!  In order to create their fruit salad cup, the students flipped assorted number cards to determine exactly how many pieces of each fruit would be placed in the cup!  Two orange slices, three cherries, one pineapple slice, five apple slices, and four banana slices sure made for some fun-filled counting – not to mention, delicious eating!  Take a look below to see the students in action!




The fruit fun continued into the afternoon on Thursday as the students began a new unit in Spanish class – La Comida (food).  Naturally, the students reviewed an older Spanish unit – Los Numeros (Numbers).  The students learned vocabulary for four different types of food – leche (milk), jugo (juice), queso (cheese) and papa (potato).  They also learned La Cancion de la Comida (The Food Song).  Be sure to practice this with your child over the next few weeks.

La Cancion de la Comida
(The Food Song)
(to the tune of She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain)

Queso is cheese, yum, yum, yum!
(clap, clap)
Leche is milk, yum, yum, yum!
(clap, clap)
Jugo is juice,
Papa is potato.
These are the things we like to eat and drink.

The students were thoroughly enjoying learning the new vocabulary but it was clear one word in particular was their favorite.  As soon as the teachers stated that potato in Spanish was called papa, the classroom erupted in laughter!  The students were laughing so hard at the thought of a Daddy potato.  No surprise, the students seemed to remember the Spanish word for potato with great ease.

On Friday, the students continued their number/counting exploration in a really interesting way – with building blocks!  For their morning work, the students were asked to sit down at one of the large classroom activity/lunch tables.  As the students found their seats, the teachers placed several boxes of tiny, colorful wooden table blocks, onto the table.  The teachers then held up a number between 1-10 and asked each student to select that particular number of table blocks from the bin.  With each student holding the same number of blocks, the next task was to arrange that particular amount anyway the students pleased.  After a minute was up, the students were told to stop building and look around at the work of all of the students!  Would you believe it?  Although each student had the same number of blocks to build with, each structure that was built looked SO different!  Take a look below to see just how different SIX structures of SIX blocks turned out!




Once all of the numbers had been built, each student posed for a photograph with his/her Number Structure!  Later that day, Miss Jocelyn compiled all of the students photographs for each number together to make an awesome class book!  Be sure to follow the link to the PPA Photo Gallery (below) to see all of the students in action!


number book


On Friday afternoon, the students enjoyed a technology presentation where they viewed each students’ numerical creation.  The students could not believe how different each design was!  They also LOVED hearing some super silly number songs from PPA Favorites – the Storybots!  Hip, Hip, Hooray for Number Three!



Well, that is all for “Letter N is for Number Week”.  We hope you enjoyed this week’s  blog entry.  As always, thanks for reading and we will see you next week!



2015-2016 School Year Re-Enrollment Paperwork  & 2015 Summer Camp Paperwork is due by Wednesday 

Parents – please select any enrollment schedule you would like as you are not

required to keep your child’s current schedule for the 2015-2016 school year term. 


Letter o Ocean