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“Letter O is for Octagon (Shape) Week” Blog Recap!

Hello all,

“Letter O is for Octagon (Shapes) Week” was Outstanding, Outrageous and Out Of this world!  The share box was Overflowing with great O shares including: Oscar the Grouch, Olives, Origami, Oatmeal and Obviously a few Octagons!  Read on below to learn about the Letter O learning and fun that took place!

For their morning work on Monday and Tuesday, the students practiced identifying the letter O in their writing and tracing activities!  Later in the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday, the students had some fun getting silly with the Letter O as they created their letter lists but also BECAME O’s!  Let’s see how you do!


Try to make an O with your fingers!

Now make an O with your hands.

Make an O with your arms over your head!

Make a (pointy) O with your legs!

Make an O with your Mouth!

Well, hOw did yOu dO?

They also LOVED singing a new shape song to an Old and familiar tune during music class.  Here is the song they learned!

Old MacDonald had a shape.


And on the shape it had 8 sides,


With an octagon here, octagon there,

here an octagon, there an octagon,

Everywhere an octagon!

Old MacDonald had a shape,


(Try singing the song with different shapes!)

On Wednesday, the students began their Octagon art exploration!   Can you believe the students created the following project using Only OctagOns?!?!  🙂



On Thursday, the students created another octagon art project.  Now, these were not Ordinary Octagons– these were Outrageous Octagon Snowmen!  Take a look at these adOrable OctagOn SnOwmen (or Olafs) below!



After music class on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, the students continued reviewing the vocabulary from their new Spanish unit – Los Animales (Animals)!  Here is a reminder of the long list of vocabulary the students will be learning and practicing throughout the next few weeks!


el cerdo – pig

el caballo – horse

el pájaro -bird

el oso – bear

el perro – dog

el gato – cat

la vaca – cow

la jirafa – giraffe

el león – lion

la cebra – zebra

el caiman – alligator

el cocodrilo – crocodile

el hipopótamo – hippopotamus

el rinoceronte – rhinoceros

el tigre – tiger

el elefante – elephant

el mono – monkey

la rana – frog

la tortuga – turtle

el serpiente – snake


On Friday, the students moved from the art tables to the block area as they created various Octagons of all sizes using assorted blocks!  Here they are in action!



Well, that is all for “Letter O is for Octagon (Shape) Week”.  What an outstanding week is was!  As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!



2019-2020 School Year Re-Enrollment Paperwork  & 2019 Summer Camp Paperwork and Deposit(s) are due by Wednesday, February 13th 

Parents – please select any enrollment schedule you would like as you are not required to keep your child’s current schedule for the 2018-2019 school year term. 

Next School Closing:

Monday and Tuesday, February 19th and 20th – President’s Day Recess