Ahoy Thar, Mateys!
“Letter P is for Pirates, Princesses, Princes, Pajamas and Pizza Week” was Phenomenal, Playful, Pleasant, Perfect and Priceless! (Phew! That was a lot of P words!) Speaking of a lot of P’s, take a plethora of shares that made their way in this week and be sure to read on below to learn about all the fun and learning that took place!
After spending Presidents’ Day (another P!) at home on Monday, the students returned to school on Tuesday in their finest Letter P attire! Whether dressed as a pirate, princess, prince, or pediatricians, the students were the picture of perfection! Here are some of the highlights from Tuesday’s outfits!
Despite having such a silly theme for the week, the students did not let it interfere with their hard work! They worked diligently on their Letter P identification morning work on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. During the afternoon on Tuesday and Wednesday, the students created their letter P word list. This list was quite easy to come up with – particularly because there were so many living and breathing letter P words walking and talking around the room! Below please find Wednesday’s list along with some of the photographic highlights from Wednesday!
Thursday marked the first craft day of the week! It also was Pajama Day! Take a look below for some of the PJ highlights!
For their morning work, the students created something that every prince and princess needs – a royal crown! The students began by selecting a base color for their crown. Next, they scoured through an assortment of gems and jewels to select the perfect ones to adorn and enhance their crowns. Finally, the crowns were fit to each princess/prince’s head. Take a look below to see the royal students of PPA!
On Thursday afternoon, the students participated in Spanish class where they reviewed their Mi Cuerpo (My Body) vocabulary and even learned a few P words.
After Spanish class, the students were visited by a PPA graduate and big sister of a PPA student! The PPA alum, dressed in her finest princess attire, returned from the fun and far off world of second grade to treat the students to a special dolphin and mermaid tale. What a great reader she has become! Thank you to this grade school princess for coming in to spend the day with us! 🙂
Friday was a very exciting day at PPA! Not only was it another pajama day, it was also a Pizza Party lunch with a pair of guest readers scheduled to start the day! Here are some of the photographic highlights from Friday’s Pajama Day!
The mommy photographed below came in during the morning to read a special story that is very popular in the family’s native country, Australia! The students loved hearing the story of the Magic Possum written by Mem Fox. The excitement continued as the second guest reader, another former PPA student, took her seat in the rocking chair to read an extra special P story – The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! by Mo Willems. A special PPA Thank You to this mommy and PPA alum for spending the morning with us!
For morning work on Friday, the students got crafty as they created their very own P.P.A. Pirate ships! Here is what the Pajama-clad students created using all letter P items – Construction PaPer, PoPsicle sticks, PiPe cleaners, a Pirate, and tissue PaPer! Here is how they turned out!
Finally, in what likely felt like YEARS for the students, the pizza delivery arrived! Once the students had all found their seats, the pizza was distributed. From the look of this photo, do you think the students enjoyed eating the pizza for lunch?
Wow! Letter P week may have just been PERFECT! Be sure to scroll to the end of this blog entry for ALL of the P week photos! As always, thank you for reading. Have a fun and safe weekend!
March Tuition is due on Thursday and Friday.