Hello all,
“Letter S is for Shapes Week” was SenSational, StupendouS, Silly, Super, Superb, and SupriSingly Super Snowy! As would be expected on letter S week, the Sharebox was Stuffed! The students filled the Sharebox to the brim with items such as: shoes, socks, skunks, space stuff, spaceships, StarWars “guys”, Scooby Doo, stars, snakes, sharks and more! How many S shares can you name below?
On Monday and Tuesday, the students worked on their letter S tracing/writing identification! Later in the day, they went hunting for the letter S and created their letter S word lists. Here is Monday’s list – there are So many words that Start with S!
Things took an unexpected turn on Wednesday and Thursday as a Super SnowStorm hit the northeast and School was closed! Thankfully, the snow cleared by Friday and the Shape Fun Started! Friday morning began with a special Daddy and sibling visit! The Daddy and brother photographed below came in to lead the students in a Special Story reading to help the students start the day! A special PPA Thank You to this Daddy and sibling/graduate for visiting us on Friday!
Also on Friday, the students were treated to a Scrumptious Pizza Party Lunch by a PPA family! In anticipation of this super treat, the students created and counted the following Shape Pizza art project! Be sure to check below for some photos from the Pizza craft and Pizza Lunch! A super PPA Thank You to the family photographed for our delicious lunch!
Friday afternoon wrapped up with a technology presentation all about the Letter S and Shapes! The students LOVED “Shape Searching” in this game. Be sure to follow the link at the bottom of the post to play the game yourself!
Well, that is all for “Letter S is for Shapes Week”. A special Park Prep Academy thank you to all of the wonderful parents that volunteered their time to come in and work with the students this week! It is because of parents like you that the PPA students are the best around! As always, thank you for reading! Have a wonderful, fun, and safe weekend!