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“Letter W is for Whales Week” is next!

Hello all,

“Letter V is for Vegetable Week” was Very, Very, Very exciting!  The students returned from Spring Vacation and were more than ready to get right back into the swing of things!  Adding to the excitement and the anticipation of returning to school was this week’s theme – Vegetables!   Everywhere the students were, it seemed veggies were to be found!  Read on below to see all the fun that was had and learning that took place!



On Monday and Tuesday, the students began the morning with a lot of hugs for both teachers and friends alike.  The students could hardly wait to tell the details of their time off from school.  Once morning meeting ended, and shares and stories had been told, the students moved onto their morning work stations.  The students did a wonderful job of deciphering the Letter V words on their morning work- Letter V identification/writing activity sheets.  One word that proved quite tricky was Van.  Thinking it was a car, many students were puzzled as to what it could be.  Fortunately, Barbie has many cars – one of which is a van, which a student brought in as a share earlier in the day.  The student’s share surely helped solve any confusion there was!  On both Monday and Tuesday afternoon, the students created their letter V list and went hunting for letter V’s around the classroom.  The V hunt and the V list were Very successful!  Equally as successful was the student list of vegetables – it was a Very Vast Veggie list!



Wednesday morning was extra exciting as the entire PPA community welcomed back one of its favorite teachers – Miss Caitlin- from her maternity leave!    Needless to say, the entire PPA community -kids, parents, and staff alike – were thrilled to see her!



Miss Caitlin and the students got right back into the swing of things as Wednesday morning began with a reading of Amy Krause Rosenthal’s story, Little Pea.  In the story, the students meet a little pea who is quite a picky eater.  The story takes a rather silly turn as the students learn that the little pea never ever wants to eat the sweets Mama and Papa Pea prepare for him.   In the story, the students learn that it is always good to try new things before just saying that you don’t like them!  This also reminded the students of another story with a particularly picky eater and his persistent pal – Sam I Am.  Do you know what story that is?  (look below)  After hearing the super silly tale, the students had an opportunity to try peas for themselves!  They created the following pea pod art project to help remember just how yummy these cute little veggies are!



During the afternoon on Wednesday (and Thursday), the students began a brand new unit in Spanish class – La Comida (Food).  Below is some of the vocabulary the students will be learning throughout the next few weeks!  Naturally, the students added a bunch of veggies to the list!


Papa – Potato

Pan – Bread

Pollo – Chicken

Arroz – Rice

Leche – Milk

Aqua – Water

Tomate – Tomato

Zanahoria – Carrot

Brócoli – Broccoli

The veggie fun continued on Thursday as the students learned that they would be tasting a wide assortment of vegetables but also making art with veggies!  The teachers held up a sample piece of Veggie Art and the classroom erupted with laughter!  Who knew you could make such a pretty picture from veggies?!?  The students could hardly wait to get started but they had to hear the one rule of veggie painting first…



Working in pairs, the students came over to the morning work tables to sample each of the following vegetables – cucumbers, peppers, carrots, broccoli, corn, and celery.  Some students tried and painted with all six veggies, while others painted with one or two.  Regardless of the number of veggies used, the students had a blast!  Take a look below to see the students in action!

The veggie tasting continued on Friday morning as the students were given the opportunity to taste the class favorite veggie of the week – broccoli!  Here is the art project the students created to remember how YUMMY Broccoli is in their tummy!

On Friday afternoon, the students partcipated in a veggie-themed technology presentation!   The students not only had an opportunity to meet a veggie farmer and see how veggies are harvested on a farm but also meet Larry the Singing and Hairbrush Missing Cucumber!

Here is the animated tale of Larry the Cucumber and his missing hairbrush!


Wow!  What a very special week it was!  As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful and safe weekend!



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