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“Letter Y is for Yoga Week” Blog Recap!

Hello all,

Yippee! Yay! Yahooooooo! “Letter Y is for Yoga Week” was such a blast! After a weekend of fun in the sun, the students were in need of  some stretching and relaxation. To get their tired little bodies back in shape, the students enjoyed learning about the letter Y through daily yoga lessons!  Continue reading to find out more about our yoga week and all the letter Y fun that was had and learning that took place!

After shares on Monday and Tuesday morning (see below), the students completed their Letter Y  tracing and identification activity sheets. The letter Y pictures proved  to be rather tricky for some students. When presented with the picture  of a yak, a few students exclaimed, “Bull!” or “Buffalo!” But the  teachers quickly reminded them that it was letter Y week, not letter B  week! Another puzzling image was that of the yolk. Many students stared  at it for several seconds before saying, “Egg? But that does not start  with Y!” Once they were informed that the arrow on the sheet was  actually pointing to the Yellow part in the middle of the egg called the  Yolk, several of them remembered eating this part of the egg for  breakfast!  After morning work on Monday and Tuesday,  the students brainstormed a rather extensive letter Y list! After making their list, the students had the chance to do some MORE yoga! The poses they did in the afternoon were those which involved  utilizing the floor, such as the Downward Facing Dog and the Cobra. The  students really impressed the teachers with their yoga abilities!


y shares

 Do You see anY letter Y Shares?

Answer:  Yes!  Yo Gabba Gabba, letter Y, Yellow, Yarn, Yolk, and Yogurt!

Speaking of Yoga poses, the students were visited by a PPA Mommy, a PPA sibling and Trevor from Hudsonseed on Tuesday afternoon!  They led the students in an afternoon yoga lesson featuring the Tree pose, the Bow pose and more! The students had a phenomenal time bending and twisting their bodies in all of the different yoga poses!  A special PPA Thank You to the Mommy, sibling and Trevor photographed below for teaching us all about Yoga!


For more information about Hudsonseed class offerings, please visit their website by clicking here.  

The students arrived at school on Wednesday and learned that the letter Y-inspired “morning work” would not be done during the morning at all.  It would also not be completed on a work table but rather at the park!  The students would be heading to park to do some yoga in the sunshine; they could hardly wait to get outside! Led by Miss Justine, the students used their limbs to do the “ABC’S of Yoga” which included such poses as:  The Airplane Pose, the Butterfly Pose, the Cat Pose, and so on!

Another PPA Mommy visited the school on Thursday in honor of the Letter Y Week.  The Mommy featured below came in to read to the class!  A special PPA Thank you to this Mommy for spending the morning with us!



Also on Thursday and Friday, the students got a jump start on their special surprises for Mommies in preparation for the annual PPA Mother’s Day Celebration next Friday!  As is always the case, the Mother’s Day projects are so special that they take a few extra days to complete.  The students worked diligently to create their special gifts!

Sorry, Mommies, no details will be given prior to the big day!   Be sure to look at next week’s blog post to see the students in action! 🙂

Well, that’s all for “Letter Y is Yoga Week” but you can always continue to practice Yoga at home!  🙂  As always, thank You for reading.  We will see You next week!




Mother’s Day Celebration

Friday, May 10th

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Attendance is limited to PPA Mommies and the PPA student.  Aftercare is not available.

Theme for Next Week: