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“Letter Y is for Yummy Week” is next!

Hello all,

Letter X Week was eXcellent, eXhilarating, eXciting, and eXtremely eXtraordinary!  Read on below to learn about all the fun that was had and learning that took place!

The students returned to school after Spring Recess and learned an eXtremely eXciting fact – Tuesday was Earth Day!  In order to commemorate the special day, the students worked together to create their very own little (and scrumptious) Earth!  Using teamwork, the students baked several batches of Rice Krispies Treats – some blue and some green. Why do you think the colors green and blue were chosen to create the yummy little Planet Earth?  The answer – to look like the Earth, of course!  After the batches were mixed, one scoop of the blue-colored batch was added to one scoop of the green colored batch.  After pulling each scoop apart into several pieces, the pieces were mixed together to create a little mini-Earth treat!  The treats were put aside to cool but they were greatly enjoyed during snack time!


earth day treats


Later during the afternoon, the students participated in an eXhilarating discussion and technology presentation all about the wonderful, amazing, beautiful, massive, and incredible planet Earth!  The students eyes widened as they traveled the world and saw some of the splendors!  They also discussed various ways that they could individually help keep the Earth clean and beautiful!  Speaking of beautiful, be sure to watch this amazing montage of scenes from around our amazing planet!  Enjoy!


How miraculous our planet is!  Speaking of miraculous, take a look below to see what the caterpillars were up to over Spring Recess!  What an exciting transformation to observe!  The students cannot wait to see what happens after the weekend!

caterpillars to butterflies

By Wednesday and Thursday morning, the students were ready to get started on their letter X sounding/writing activities.  The fun continued in the afternoon as the students brainstormed all the  X words they could think of.  Not surprisingly, the X list was a tough one.  In order to help lengthen it, Miss Justine’s suggestion that the  students should “think of words where you hear the X sound inside” led  some really great words like the ones listed  below.


The teachers eXpected that the share box would be eXtra light during X week but they were so surprised to see how “outside of the boX” the PPA students’ thinking was!  Take a look below to see some of the great letter X shares that were sent in.

x shares

During the afternoon on Thursday (and Friday), the students participated in Spanish class where they began a new unit – La Transportacion (Transportation).  Here is the vocabulary words that the students will be learning over the next few weeks.

Carro – Car

Bicicleta – Bike

Barco – Boat

Avión – Plane

Tren – Train

Camión – Truck

Autobús – Bus

Helicóptero – Helicopter


The letter X fun continued on Friday as the students assembled, decorated, and designed their very own – you guessed it – X!  Take a look below to see the students in action!


letter x


The students were also visited by a PPA Mommy who volunteered to read a story to the class!  A special PPA “Thank You” to the mommy photographed below for spending some time with the class!  We hope you had as much fun as we did!




On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, the students took part in a special animal X-Ray presentation. With special thanks to Dr. Greenwald, the teachers were able to borrow an actual X-Ray viewing machine! One by one, the teacher held up assorted X-Rays images to the X-Ray veiwer. Starting with human X-Rays and then moving on to animal X-Rays! The students had a blast trying to “Guess the Animal X-Ray”. Take a turn and see how you do guessing the animal in each X-Ray. Good Luck!

Animal X-Ray #1

Animal X-Ray #2

Animal X-Ray #3

Well, how did you do?

Animal X-Ray #1 -Frog

Animal X-Ray #2 – Veiled Chameleon

Animal X-Ray #3 – Marmoset (Monkey)

Nice work! Now for a real tricky one! Can you guess this animal?

Believe it or not, this is the X-Ray of a rabbit! The students all seemed to think it was parrot! Did you?

Well, that’s all for letter X week!  As always, we hope that you enjoyed  reading and we will see you next week for some more learning and fun!




May Tuition is due next week

Tuesday (2 dayers)

Wednesday (3 and 5 dayers)

Next PPA Event:

Mother’s Day Celebration

Friday, May 9th

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

(aftercare not available)

Theme for Next Week:
