Hello all,
¡La primera Semana de Ejercitacion en Espanol fue excellente! – i.e. – The first week of Spanish Review was excellent! The students spent the entire week practicing and reviewing the vocabulary they learned throughout the 2012-2013 school year. They even turned the morning meeting Hello Song into their very own Hola version!
Seeing that school was closed on Monday for the observation of Memorial Day, the students returned to school on Tuesday with TONS of Spanish shares. The students brought in different animales, Spanish instruments such as castanets and maracas, as well as various toy vehicles like camiónes (trucks) and carros (cars). Of course, everyone’s favorite Spanish speaking cartoon characters, Dora and Diego, also made appearances in the share box throughout the week!
The students spent the mornings of Spanish Review Week playing assorted activity games throughout morning stations with PPA Spanish teachers, Miss Karina and Miss Beverly. Whether it is was a Spanish matching activity game or Simon Dice (Simon Says), the students had a blast!
Since the students studied many Spanish units throughout the course of the 2012-2013 school year, the teachers decided to designate one Spanish unit for each day of Spanish Review Week! They created special activities for the students to work with daily to help them review each unit of study! The students reviewed four units, detailed below, during the first week of Spanish Review. The remaining units of study will be completed next week during Spanish Review Week DOS! Read on below to learn about the fun that was had and learning that took place during Spanish Review Week Uno!
Seeing that the end of the school year is rapidly approaching, the teachers used Tuesday and Wednesday, the days designated for La Familia (Family) vocabuarly to return some of the students’ work being displayed around the classroom. The teachers took down the “Family Portraits” that were drawn during September’s “All About Me Week”. For their morning work, the students were called over to view these pieces of art and recreate them! The students giggled as they looked at some of their drawings from way back in September. After, the students labeled their drawings with the following words for various family members – Madre (Mother), Padre (Father), y Hermano/a (Brother/Sister).
Once the portraits were completed, the students all noted how differently they draw now! The teachers explained that this was because they were getting bigger and growing up! The students were so pleased! Take a look below to see some of the changes in drawing abilities over the past year. It is really quite impressive!
Family Portrait Drawings
Drawn by a “Two Turned Three Years Old” PPA Girl Artist
in September 2012
Same Artist/Same Family
Drawn in May 2013
Drawn by a “Three Turned Four Years Old” PPA Girl Artist
in September 2012
Same Artist/Same Family
Drawn in May 2013
Drawn by a “Four Turned Five Years Old” PPA Girl Artist
in September 2012
Same Artist/Same Family
Drawn in May 2013
Family Portrait Drawings
Drawn by a “Two Turned Three Years Old” PPA Boy Artist
in September 2012
Same Artist/Same Family
Drawn in May 2013
Drawn by a “Three Turned Four Years Old” PPA Boy Artist
in September 2012
Same Artist/Same Family
Drawn in May 2013
Drawn by a “Four Turned Five Years Old” PPA Boy Artist
in September 2012
Same Artist/Same Family
Drawn in May 2013
During the afternoon on Tuesday, the students reviewed their Los Numeros (Numbers) vocabulary in the most exciting way! The younger students worked on numeros uno through cinco (1-5) while the older students worked on numeros uno through diez (1-10). As you can tell from the video, the students had a blast! Take a look!
Photo Sharing – Video Sharing – Photo Printing
On Thursday, the students created their Los Colores (colors) Review free paint. The students selected their dos (2) favorite colores and used them to paint a special free paint of whatever they wanted. Take a look at the students in action below!
Also on Thursday, the students were visited by a PPA Mommy who read the afternoon story to the students before they headed home for the day. A special PPA Thank You to the Mommy and PPA student photographed below!
On Friday, the student reviewed their Mi Cuerpo vocabulary – My Body! Throughout the morning, the students posed for a photograph in various areas of the room. The photographs were quickly printed and then the real fun began! Using colorful labels, the students worked in a pairs to identify the various parts of the body!
After a super silly Spanish lesson about “Mi Cuerpo”, the students were visited by a PPA Mommy and a PPA Daddy of not one, but two, PPA students! The Daddy featured below read a story to the students; what a fabulous way to end the week! Thank you for spending the afternoon with us!
Well, that is all for Spanish Review Week UNO. Be sure to check the blog again next week as the students complete the review of the final units of Spanish. As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Next PPA Event:
Father’s Day Ice Cream Sundae Celebration
Friday, June 14th
2:00-3:00 p.m.
(no aftercare available)
Attendance is limited to the PPA student and his/her Daddy.