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Welcome to Summer Camp!

Well, the Park Prep Academy Summer Program is off to a great start!  The children returned from their summer recess ready to let the fun begin!  Read on below to learn about what took place during Week One – Welcome to Summer Camp!

Tuesday, July 5th (i.e. the first day of camp) kicked off with story and conversation about a very LOUD and beautiful fourth of July favorite- FIREWORKS!  The children could barely contain their excitement as they described the bright colors they saw exploding up high in the sky!  The excitement only grew as they learned that they would be creating fireworks of their own.

With some glue and a lot of different colored glitter, the children created the perfect firework.

Later in the afternoon, the children discussed and practiced the rules of camp along with “Park Safety” while walking around the classroom just like they will each day before heading to the park.

Wednesday was another exciting day.  The children had their first opportunity of the summer to paint on the four-way classroom easel.  It is quite clear from the look on their faces that easel painting was a huge hit!

The fun continued into the afternoon when the children were greeted by Jersey City Police Officer Lorenzo Tosado!  Officer Tosado led a discussion about the very important job that police officers do as well as the danger of strangers!  One child was a bit afraid of Officer Tosado; however, after meeting him (and also learning that going in a police van for a school visit did not mean he was going to jail), he changed his mind!

Not only did the children get to “ride” in the police van – they got to turn the sirens on too!

The day wrapped up with a group photo by the van as well as a Jersey City Junior Police Officer sticker badge ceremony!  What a wonderful day it was!  A special thank you goes out to our favorite Jersey City Police Officer- Officer Tosado.  We can hardly wait to see you again in August!

Thursday was CrAzY HaT dAy and the children DID NOT disappoint!  Aside from wearing crazy hats, the children designed their own silly hat by assembling assorted craft materials like the ones seen below.

Later in the afternoon, the children shared their self-created crazy hat from the morning with their friends.  Afterwards, they put on a Crazy Hat Parade around the classroom before heading into their afternoon stations.

Friday was another wacky day – this time it was CrAzY oUtFiT DaY! For their morning art project, the children tried to replicate a painting that the teachers had created earlier in the day.  The painting was of a summer scene.  The trick was that the children would not be using paintbrushes.  They would use their fingers!  Here are how their replica paintings turned out!

During the afternoon, the children shared their crazy outfits with their friends.  Watch below to see one child explain her crazy outfit!

Like we said earlier, the PPA 2010 Summer Camp is off to a great start!  As always, thank you for reading and we’ll see you next week for some more fun!