The Park Prep Academy summer program has come and gone and boy, was it great! Read on below to learn about the final week of summer camp, Bubble Week!
Monday was a particularly exciting day at Park Prep. All day long, the children wondered who would be coming to school to spend the day with them.
What they did not know was that there was not just one special guest – there were six! Also, these special guests would not just be spending the day at Park Prep, they would be spending the entire year!
The children waited with bated breath as the first five special guests were brought out. After meeting their new class pet fish and pet snail, the children decided to give them names! Here are the names they came up with.
Seeing that it was Bubble Week, the children decided to incorporate bubbles into the names. Meet Bubblehead!
The final special guest was Park Prep Academy’s newest addition, Miss Caitlin! Miss Caitlin will be a head teacher for the younger students at Park Prep this year. She is a wonderful teacher and the children spent the week welcoming her warmly to PPA and showing her around!
Tuesday was CrAzY oUtFiT dAy! Here are some of the CrAzY oUtFiTs that came in!
The bubble activities that took place throughout the week included:
- Bubble Chasing Outside
- Bubble Art
- and Full-Body Bubbles!
In order to make the full-body bubbles, the children worked with Miss Caitlin to create the special bubble solution using Dawn Dish Soap, Corn Sryup, and Gelatin.
Needless to say getting inside a bubble was a hit with the children – so much so that they spent every afternoon throughout the week watching their friends go inside bubbles! Here are some close-ups of the students in a bubble!
Here is one right as it popped!
Bubble Week and the 2010 PPA Summer Program wrapped up on Friday with a fun, family-filled celebration. The Park Prep Family Pizza Picnic was such a blast and definitely the perfect way to end the Summer camp.
We would like to thank all of the children and families that joined us this summer and helped make the PPA Summer Camp so great! We hope you had as much fun as we did. See you in September!