Hello all,
Despite learning about all of the different feelings and emotions, Feelings and Emotion Week was all happy! Read on to see the learning that took place and the fun that was had!
The teachers introduced Feelings and Emotion Week by discussing two of the most common and easily identifiable emotions – Happiness and Sadness. These two emotions came into play later on as the students completed their morning work.
The students were asked to sort through magazine clippings showing various emotions. After locating the clippings showing happiness, the students picked out their favorite and glued in onto their paper. Seeing that there are plenty of happy images in magazine advertisements but only a few sad images, the students created their own sad face using various craft materials.
Once the faces were assembled, the teachers asked each student to list three things that made that makes them happy and three things that make them sad. The teachers wrote down the words each student said and the projects were complete.
Their morning work helped when it came time for the students create their Feeling class list in the afternoon. Here is what they came up with.
The students spent Tuesday identifying and expressing various emotions. This was the perfect segue to Tuesday’s craft – A Wheel of Emotion! First, the students created their faces by selecting a color to paint their face “plate”.
Next, the students added googly eyes and some hair to complete their look.
The face plates were set aside to dry.
Once they had dried, the teachers fastened the emotion wheel to the plate and Viola! – A Wheel of Emotion!
The students had a blast turning their wheels to see the different emotion expressions!
On Tuesday afternoon, the students created a list of things that make them feel Angry and things that make them feel Silly! Here is what they came up with.
The students spent Wednesday learning about two opposites: feeling brave and feeling afraid. For their morning work, the students created their very own Medal of Bravery! They used crayons to decorate the front of their medal and then some glitter to add some pizazz! The students wore their medals proudly!
On the back of each medal, the teachers wrote down the reason each student stated explaining why he/she is so brave! Enlarge the photo below to see some of their answers!
In the afternoon, the students created a list of things that make them feel Brave and also things that make them feel Afraid. Here is what they came up with!
Thursday’s feeling of focus was Silliness and boy, did the teachers come up with a silly art project! Earlier in the week on Tuesday, the students posed for a photograph. On Wednesday, the teachers printed out the pictures of each student and set them aside. By Thursday, the students were ready to turn their pictures into SuPeR SiLLy PiCtUrEs!
Using some glue, the students added some glitter to make some SuPeR SiLLy HaIr! Next, they added some googly eyes to make some SuPeR SiLLy eYeBaLLs! Then the students added a button to make a SuPeR SiLLy NoSe! On went the SuPeR SiLLy mouth. The SuPeR SiLLy pipecleaner Eyebrows came last and then the SuPeR SiLLy StUdEnT was finished! Take a look!
Friday was a super YUMMY day! Miss Caitlin baked special egg-free, nut-free, soy-free sugar cookies for all of the students. Before the students could enjoy eating their cookie, they had to do their morning work. Using marshmallows as noses, raisins as eyes, and frosting for the mouth, the students created a cookie face showing any feeling they wanted!
Once the cookies had been decorated, they were set aside. Much to the excitement of the students, the cookies were served as a special addition during lunchtime! The students ate their grumpy cookie at lunch and went home with their happier cookie in a baggie. Despite being served Angry, Sad, and Confused looking cookies – the students were all smiles as they devoured their morning work!
Well, that is all for Feelings and Emotion Week. As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful and safe weekend!
P.S. Here is the recipe for the special cookies if you would like to have some Feelings Face fun!
SUGAR COOKIES (no eggs, nuts, soy)
1 lb. butter
2 c. sugar
3 c. flour
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt
Cream together butter and sugar. Sift flour, soda, and salt together and mix into creamed mixture. Roll into small balls and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Press slightly with a fork dipped in sugar. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes until lightly browned.
Next Upcoming PPA Event:
Park Prep Annual Pumpkin Picking Party!
Friday, October 15th (2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
All students and parents invited to attend. Students will pick pumpkins in the park then decorate them inside the classroom.
Next Upcoming School Closing:
Monday, October 11th – Observation of Columbus Day
Theme for Next Week:
Fall/Autumn Week!