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“Letter F is for Fire Safety Week” is Next!

Hello all,

Thanksgiving Week, while short, was a complete success! The students spent the two and a half school days learning about the events that led up to the first Thanksgiving while creating beautiful Thanksgiving-inspired crafts! Read on below to learn about all that took place throughout this short but fun week!

After reading a story about the first Thanksgiving, the students created a Pilgrim puppet! Later in the week, they would make a craft project to remember the other important group of people involved in Thanksgiving, the Native Americans! Look below to see how the Pilgrim puppet was assembled.






On Tuesday, the students created a beautiful and colorful turkey! Using assorted colored feathers, these turkeys were assembled complete with a holiday greeting on their belly!






To help the students learn about Thanksgiving, the teachers focused on the spirit of Thanksgiving – giving thanks! To begin, the teachers asked the students, “Why would you say, ‘Thank You’ to someone?” Their responses included answers such as, “when someone helps you with something” or “when someone gives you something nice”.  It was concluded that you say thank you to someone when they make you feel loved, happy, or special. It was also concluded that saying “Thank You” is a nice thing to do.

Having figured this out, the teachers then asked the students, “Who packed you your lunch today?” The students replied that their Mommies or Daddies had packed a lunch. They were then asked if they thought it was nice of Mommy and Daddy to pack such a yummy lunch which they all agreed it was. The teachers asked if any of the students had said, “Thank You” to Mommy and Daddy this morning. They looked a bit surprised when they realized that they had not. The teachers told them that Mommies and Daddies do so much for the students each and everyday because they love them very much.  It is always nice to say “Thank You” to Mommies and Daddies and Thanksgiving is a special time of year where people remember to give thanks!  Thanksgiving Day is a day where everyone takes the time to really think about all the people who help them in their lives as well as all the things that they have and say Thank You. Thanksgiving is all about appreciating or valuing the very many people and things that sometimes we forget to say, “thank you” for.

The students created an amazing class book to help remind them as to what they are thankful for. Each student was responsible for authoring and illustrating one page of Our Class Thanksgiving Book.  Later in the day, the Class Thanksgiving Book was read for all to hear!  The students had a blast listening to and seeing all of their classmates’ words and illustrations!  Be sure to take a peek at your child’s page in the book on your next visit to PPA! 



On Wednesday morning, the students created their very own headdress inspired by those worn by the Native American, Wampanoag people. Complete with gems, beads, and feathers, these headdresses were part of traditional dress for the Wampanoag people and the Park Prep Academy students were happy to try them on for size!



The students, headdresses in tow, headed home on Wednesday at noon to begin their holiday festivities! Everyone at Park Prep Academy would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for the amazing students and families that have helped make this school year so special and wonderful. Safe travels and enjoy your long holiday weekend!




Thursday and Friday, November 24th and 25th

School Closed for Thanksgiving Recess


Theme for Next Week: