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“Letter G is for Guitar Week” is next!

Hello all,

“Letter F is for Fire Safety Week” was not only inFormative, it was fiery, funky, funny, and certainly fun-filled!  Read on below to see all the fun and learning that took place!

Fire Safety Week began on Tuesday as the students filled the share box with a wonderful assortment of letter F shares including: feathers, fuzzies, frogs, and of course, fire safety items!  The fire safety shares were particularly helpful as we were discussing many of the different topics related to fire safety and fire prevention.  Do you see any Letter F items in this picture?





On Tuesday and Wednesday, the students began working on their letter F identification activity pages.  The students had to trace/write the letter F, distinguish the letter F against other letter sounds, and color the letter F pictures.  It was hard work but definitely fun!  During the afternoon on Tuesday and Wednesday, the students created a letter F list (see below).  Things got a bit funny when the students suggested words like phenomenal for the list.  Despite a few tricky words, the list was created!  They also hunted for “F’s” all around the classroom!  One of the students found an F on his body – feet!


letter f


Thursday began the art exploration of the theme of the week – Fire Safety!  After a discussion about the brave men and women who help protect us from fire, the students transformed into junior firefighters themselves!  Each student colored in a badge and then painted a firefighting “helmet” , worn by the members of the Park Prep Academy Junior Fire Department!  What an exciting (and wearable) project!  




During the afternoon, the teachers compiled a series of photographs and video clips to help the students visualize what to expect if there was ever a fire in their home.  The students loved hearing and learning all about fire safety.  They particularly love the following musical clip.



The fire safety discussion continued into Friday as the students created a second fire-themed art project.  Once again, brave firefighters were of particular focus!  Using crayons, some paint, and a fork, the students spent their morning crafting the following art project which captured a firefighter in action!  Take a look below!




Friday afternoon began with another technology presentation all about various types of emergencies!  They even practiced what number to call in the event of an emergency!  Listen below and enjoy!



The teachers explained that even though fires are dangerous, learning about and practicing fire safety is not!  It is important to practice fire safety so if there ever was a real fire, everyone would know exactly what to do.  Speaking of practicing fire safety, all of the students went home this week with a homework assignment.  Read below to learn the important, potentially life-saving, assignment they were given.




After the technology presentation had concluded, the students were visited by a PPA Mommy who came in to be the Guest Reader for the students.  The students loved hearing a story featuring two storybook favorites – Frog and Toad!  A special PPA “Thank You” to this mommy for coming in and wrapping up Letter F Week with us!




Wow, what a Fantastic week it was!  As always, thank you for reading.  Have a fun and safe weekend!





Although “Letter F is for Fire Safety Week” has come and gone, the discussion and practice of fire safety should not!  Please continue to review these important and potentially life-saving strategies often to help ensure the preparedness of your child in the event of an emergency. Throughout this past week, the teachers set out to explain what the students should do and expect if they see ever smoke or fire.  Please bear in mind that while  fire safety may be somewhat “scary” to discuss, it is critical that young children become familiar with and practice these potentially life-saving strategies.   At your convenience, we encourage you to view the first minute and twenty seconds of the clip shown below which very accurately and realistically portrays what a smoke and fire-filled room looks like.  Based on your child’s comfort with concept of fire safety, please discuss and/or view this clip with your child to ensure that they know to stay low and go towards the firefighters should he/she ever become trapped in a smoke/fire-filled room.  If time permits, the rest of the clip has some very useful information for parents regarding fire prevention and fire safety – particularly evacuation plans.  




December Tuition is due

Monday, November 25th (3 dayers)

and Tuesday, November 26th (2 and 5 dayers)


Next School Closing:

Wednesday, November 27th– 12:00 p.m. School-wide Dismissal – No Lunch

Thursday and Friday, November 28th and 29th – Thanksgiving Recess

