Hello all,
“Letter J is for Jellyfish Week” was Jolly, Joyful, Jubilant and Jazzy! From the gak table to the rubber band station, the students clearly had jellyfish on the brain! Take a look at the humongous jellyfish that made its way into the classroom – thankfully it was in a book! 🙂
On Monday and Tuesday morning, the letter J excitement began with the students completing their letter J identification activity sheets. The students had to trace/write the letter J, distinguish the letter J against other letter sounds, and color the letter J pictures. It was hard work but definitely fun! In the afternoon on both Monday and Tuesday, the students created a list of letter J words. Letter J proved to be one of the most popular letters we have seen yet – definitely in student (and teacher) names! Ask your child if they can name some of their school friends/teachers whose names start with J – there is a bunch! (You can use the following list to help you!)
Wednesday began the artistic exploration of the theme of Letter J week – Jellyfish! The students could hardly believe their eyes when they saw what they would be making – a realistic looking jellyfish! With a little contact paper, glitter, sequins, and ribbon, the students created super see-through jellies that certainly were swimmy! Take a look below too see the students in action!
During both Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, the students participated in Spanish class where they began a new unit – Mi Cuerpo (my body). The new vocabularly is listed below!
Mi Cuerpo (My Body)
Head – Cabeza
Arms – Brazos
Hands – Manos
Legs – Piernas
Feet – Pies
Opting not to use the traditional paper plate, the teachers wracked their brains on Thursday morning to find an alternative craft material to create a jellyfish craft – behold the cupcake wrapper jellyfish!
The last day of the week began with some “cooking”. With the resident baker of the teachers out on maternity leave :), the teachers relied on a little box complete with detailed instructions for Friday’s activity! The students worked together to make a few jiggly batches of Jell-O! Once the Jell-O mixtures had been mixed and stirred thoroughly, the students filled the bottom third of a see-through cup and dropped in two sweet raisins (for eyes). Off to the fridge the cups went and the students headed back to their morning work stations.
A few short hours later, the students woke up from rest time and participated in a technology presentation all about – You guessed it, Jellyfish! The students loved watching them swim in the ocean and even learned some amazing Jellyfish facts! Do you know what a Jellyfish Bloom or a Jellyfish Smack is? The students do! That is what a group of jellyfish in a small space is called!
Things really got exciting when the students learned that their Jell-O Jellyfish were ready! The students dove right in and gobbled up those Jell-O Jellyfish faster than real sea predators! Judging from the yummy smiles, the students really enjoyed their Yellow Jell-O Jellies!