Hello all,
“Letter M is for Mail Week” was nothing short of marvelous, miraculous, magical, and magnificent! The share box was filled with so many shares throughout the week that the teachers had to find a more massive box to fit them all in! Take a look below to see Thursday’s share box – it looks as though is has a million M‘s inside! Can you name a few?
“Letter M is for Mail Week” started off with a special Mommy visit! The mommy photographed below visited Park Prep on Monday morning to make Valentine’s Day cards for the U.S. Military! Whew! That is a lot of M words! Her brother-in-law, the uncle of the PPA student below, is a soldier in the US Army who is currently serving overseas in Afghanistan. The mommy explained a bit about what “Uncle Chad” and his fellow soldiers are doing. She shared several photographs with the students and before long the students began to make connections/recall “Letter H is for Helping Week” where they worked with Operation Goody Bag to make holiday treats for the military! The students could hardly wait to get to started! First, they wrote a nice long letter to the student’s Uncle Chad and his friends but there was something strange about the note – it was missing all of the M’s! Thankfully, the students were ready to start filling in those m’s quickly. Before long, the students headed over to get started on making their valentines as well as address and stamp the envelopes! By the afternoon, the valentines had all dried and were ready to be folded and stuffed into the envelopes from earlier. Take a look at all that mail! What an exciting way to show support for the brave men and women of the US military all while learning about the theme of the week – mail! A special PPA thank you to the mommy for leading such an exciting and marvelous Monday!
By Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the morning routine was back on track as the students completed their Letter M tracing/writing activities! During the afternoon on both days, the students brainstormed a major list of letter M words! Take a look at the list from Tuesday!
Wednesday afternoon was full of exciting events and surprises! The first came when the doorbell rang shortly after rest time had ended. Miss Jocelyn accepted a BIG package from the mailman! Miss Jocelyn explained that the package was sent to the students of Park Prep Academy! They could hardly wait to see who it was from and of course, what was inside! Miss Jocelyn mentioned that the way to find out who sent a package is to look at the return address. Boy, were the students surprised when they learned that the package was sent from our beloved classroom teacher Miss Caitlin and her new baby, Grady! The students could hardly wait to tear it open and see what Miss Caitlin and Grady had sent to them! One lucky student was selected to open the package in front of the class and show everyone what was inside! Wait until you see what it was – two new books to read, a special letter from Miss Caitlin and Grady, and two boxes of delicious, yummy, scrumptious, gummy, and chewey FRUIT SNACKS! Yummmmmmy! The students could hardly wait to enjoy their tasty mail! While they were enjoying the delicious mail, the students placed a super special Face Time (Video) phone call to Miss Caitlin to say THANK YOU! It was clear that the students were THRILLED to chat with Miss Caitlin and of course, meet her new baby, Grady!
Just when the students thought the day could not get any better, the doorbell rang again! It was a second mommy volunteer of the week! This time, the mommy was a guest reader! The mommy featured below read the students the following Letter M book, A Sick Day for Amos McGee and another story with a lot of M-animals called The Circus Ship. The students loved hearing the stories the mommy and her son had picked out for the class! Thank you to the Miss Caitlin, Grady, and this Mommy below for making Wednesday afternoon such a special one!
On Thursday morning, the students made some more mail – this time it was for whomever they wanted! The students not only picked a special person to be the recipient of their mail, they designed the entire postcard! After drawing marvelous designs or pictures for their post cards front, the students wrote their names on the flipside of the postcard while the teacher wrote the name of the intended recipient on the address lines! The students went home that day with their postcards, which would have the addresses filled in later on! They could hardly wait to stamp them and place them in the mail! We hope the recipients enjoy recieving the mail the students made for them – maybe some reply-mail will come back to the students soon! Look below to see the students in action!
On Thursday (and Friday), the students had Spanish class where they continued expanding their Mi Cuerpo (My Body) vocabulary. As you can see in the video below, the students had a wonderful time playing Simón Dice!
Photo Sharing – Video Sharing – Photo Printing
Despite working so hard throughout “Letter M is for Mail Week”, the students did not have much to take home and keep for themselves as they mailed everything to other people! Seeing that this was the case, the teachers began thinking and the idea for their own “stamp strip” popped up! The students spent the morning discussing what stamps are, why they are needed, even designing their very own stamps! When asked if they could put one of their own special stamps onto their postcard from earlier in the week, the teachers explained that the student stamps worked at their “Play Post Office”. The students were thrilled to learn that these stamps would help send play mail anywhere in the world they wanted their mail to go. Here are how some of the stamp strips turned out!
Spanish class took place on Friday afternoon as well as a technology presentation all about a day in the life of a mail carrier! The students got an extra special “Behind the Scenes” look at what really happens inside the Post office as well as what life is like for these very important community helpers!
Well, that is all for “Letter M is for Mail Week” – what a marvelous week it was! As always, thank you for reading and have a wonderful and safe weekend! See you next week!
Re-Enrollment Paperwork and deposit to reserve your child’s placement in Park Prep Academy for the 2013-2014 School Year is due by
Friday, February 15th.
Next School Closing:
Monday, February 18th
Observation of Presidents’ Day