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“Letter O is for Ostrich Week” is next!

Hello all,

“Letter N is for Numbers Week” was neat, nifty,  number-tastic!  Our students will certainly sleep well this weekend after all the counting they did throughout the week. We counted everything from our boo-boos to the number of sneakers in our classroom to the number of string cheeses at snack time! From the sound of it, the counting didn’t stop once the school day ended. Our parents told us that counting had become the latest hobby for our kids at home. Not only did the students spend the week counting, they also practiced writing the numbers and making the numbers on our fingers. At first, our students were struggling to hold up their fingers to show the different numbers but by the end of the week, they had greatly improved. Some of the older children even noticed that you could make the numbers in different ways, like three on one hand and three on the other makes six just like five on one hand and one on the other!  Read on below to learn about all the fun and learning that took place!

On Monday and Tuesday, the students worked on their letter N tracing and identification activity sheets. Some of the N words included: numbers, noodles, nests, nurses, noses, and more!  Much to the surprise of the teachers, the students had quite an extensive vocabulary for noodles!  Spaghetti, pasta, macaroni, and ziti were just a few of the words students used to  describe the pictures of noodles.  After a little reminder as to what the letter of the week was, the students quickly shifted their answer to the umbrella term, noodle!  In the afternoons, the students used their noggins to create the following Letter N Word List.



Speaking of noodles, the students helped clean out the Park Prep pantry by using noodles to practice counting!  Take a look at Wednesday’s Noodle Numbers art project that required the students to assemble and count numerous noodles!



Wednesday (and Thursday) afternoon was all about Spanish!  The students finished the final week of Mi Cuerpo (My Body) vocabulary!  Watch the Thursday afternoon group doing the Hokey Pokey en Español!


Photo SharingVideo SharingPhoto Printing

Seeing how much fun the students had counting noodles on Wednesday, the teachers thought the noodle number fun could continue into Thursday morning.  The students worked to string count out and string A LOT of noodles onto a Noodle Necklace!  Now, these were not just any noodles – these noodles were Nifty Noodles with colors and sparkles!  Each noodle that was added to the string was counted before being strung on!  Can you guess how many noodles made their way onto each necklace?  If you said, between 15-30 noodles than you are correct!  Talk about a lot of hard work – both stringing and counting!  Look below to see the students in action!



Friday marked a very special day as even the weather was following the Letter N theme of the week with Winter Storm Nemo!  The counting began on Friday as the teachers began counting the number of students in school!  FIFTEEN students carefully made their way to school on Friday.  Despite having such a small number of students on Friday, the school was exploding with number counting fun!  The teachers decided to transform every single station in the classroom into a math/number theme!  Whether it was digging for numbers in the sand table, Number Bingo, or Number dancing in the block area, one thing was for sure – the students had a ball!

Well, that is all for “Letter N is for Numbers Week” – what an exciting and Number-tastic week it was!  As always, thank you for reading.  Have a fun and safe weekend!  See you next week!




Re-Enrollment Paperwork and deposit to reserve your child’s placement in Park Prep Academy for the 2013-2014 School Year is due by

Friday, February 15th.

Next School Closing:

Monday, February 18th

Observation of Presidents’ Day

Theme for Next Week: