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“Letter W is for WaCkY and WiLd Week” Blog Recap!

Hello all,

“Letter W is for WaCkY and WiLd Week” was Wonderful, Wondrous, Warm, and OF COURSE WaCkY and WiLd!   As was to be expected, the students entered school ready to share some amazing letter W shares.  Some of the W shares this week included Watches, Wallets, Wings (on a bird), Warrior Weapons, Wonder Woman, Woody from Toy Story, Whistles and more!  In addition to great shares, there were also some great Letter W/Wacky and Wild books that were sent in each day!  Well, “Letter W is for WaCkY and WiLd  Week” has come and gone.  Read on below to discover the learning that took place and fun that was had throughout the week!

The students spent Monday and Tuesday morning working one on one with the teachers to complete their Letter W identification/fine motor activity pages.  All of the students did a Wonderful job!  In the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday, the students created the twenty-third letter list of the year! As a whole group, the students took turns brainstorming and contributing words that begin with the letter W and also hunted around the classroom for letter W items!  Take a look at the list that Tuesday’s group came up with!  As you can see, the list was quite Wondrous!


How many W shares do YOU see?

Answer:  Wibble Wobble Book, Winnie the Pooh, World, Whale(s), Walrus, Watermelon!


The fun continued at PPA on Wednesday as it was WaCkY WeDnEsDaY at Park Prep Academy and the students did not disappoint!  Here are some of the highlights from WaCkY WeDnEsDaY!  🙂



For their morning work, the students created a WaCkY WiLd animal puppet using assorted animal parts.  Some of the animal part choices included: an elephant trunk or a bird beak, a curly pig tail or a whale tail, zebra legs or duck feet, feathers or wings, and more!  Needless to say, with all those choices, the WaCkY WiLd puppets turned out… well, WACKY AND WILD!



On Wednesday (and Thursday) afternoon, the students participated in a WaCkY WeDnEsDaY Parade.  They also had Spanish class where they continued to expand and explore the new unit – Me Gusta/No Me Gusta (I like/I do not like)!  Speaking of Thursday, the teachers decided that the Wednesday students should not be the only ones to have a fun dress-up day!  For this reason, Thursday was named WiLd ThUrsDaY and the students were encouraged to dress up as WiLd as possible!  Whether they interpreted WiLd to mean WiLd animal, WiLd West, or WiLd as in WaCkY, they all came in looking great!



Things got even more WiLd as the students learned all about a letter W animal that can be found in the Wilderness.  Can you guess what this animal could be?  If you said, “Wolf” then you are correct!  Now, seeing that it was “Letter W Week”, the teachers decided to introduce to the students to a few classic wolf tales including:  Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and The Boy Who Cried Wolf.  After enjoying these exciting (and cautionary) tales, the students created the following art project.



On Friday, the students shifted their focus from WaCkY and WiLd things to another W word – our WORLD!  In honor of Earth Day (Sunday, April 22nd), the students spent the day discussing a many ways we can help protect and take care of our Wonderful World!  Here is a list of “Ways To Help Our World” they created.



They also mixed and measured various ingredients to bake and decorate some delicious Earth Day treats!  Naturally, they used both blue frosting for the water and green frosting for the land on their yummy world!



Friday afternoon wrapped up with a technology presentation where the students played a listening game, “Which Wild Animal is it?” where they were asked to identify various WiLd animals by the sounds they make!  They also explored their planet by exploring the many beautiful places around our world.  What an Wonderful Way to end the Week!  Of course those WaCkY Storybots made an appearance!



Well, that is all for Letter W is for WaCkY and WiLd Week!  As always, thank you for reading.  Have a wonderful and safe weekend!



Parent-Teacher Conferences will begin next week (April 23rd – May 4th) 

Please check your email or the school calendar board for your scheduled time slot.


Tuition Reminder:

May Installment of Tuition is due on Thursday (2 dayers) and Friday (3 and 5 dayers)


Next PPA Event:

PPA Mother’s Day Celebration

Friday, May 11th

2:00-3:00 p.m.

Aftercare is not available