Hello all,
“Letter V is for Vehicles Week” was ViVid, Vigorous, Virtuous, and ViVacious! Although the letter V is not the most common letter in the alphabet, the students were quite Victorious when it came to bringing in great letter V/Vehicle shares. As was to be expected, Various Vehicles made their way into the share box throughout the week! There were also some great Letter V/Vehicle books that were sent in each day! Well, “Letter V is for Vehicles Week” has come and gone. Read on below to discover the learning that took place and fun that was had throughout the week!
The students spent Monday and Tuesday morning working one on one with the teachers to complete their Letter V identification/fine motor activity pages. The teachers were so impressed with how easily the younger students recognized the letter V and also how well the older students remembered all things “V” during their morning work! In the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday, the students created the twenty-second letter list of the year! As a whole group, the students took turns brainstorming and contributing words that begin with the letter V and also hunted around the classroom for letter V items! Take a look at the list that Monday’s group came up with! As you can see, the list was quite Voluminous!
How many V shares do YOU see?
Answer: Vest, Visor, V Alphabot, Vegetables, and Vehicles!
Wednesday morning began with a special Visit from a PPA Mommy! The Mommy photographed below is not only the mommy of one PPA student; she is the mommy of TWO PPA students! The Mommy and her boys helped make Wednesday morning extra exciting by reading a story all about a Very famous Vehicle, a tractor named Otis. In the story, Otis uses his strength to rescue a friend who is trapped in a mud pond! What a wonderful story and way to start the day it was! A special “PPA Thank You” to this PPA Mommy for Volunteering her time to read to us!
The fun continued on Wednesday as morning meeting began following the morning story, as it usually does. What was unusual was the Morning Meeting Message! Listen in below to the message from Wednesday, April 1st!
The April Fool’s Day fun did not stop there! Take a look at what the teachers added to each student’s lunchbox! Can you spot a few items that seem out of place?
Watch below as the students head to the lunch tables and realize something is certainly a bit wacky with their lunches!
The teachers did not only have fun with the students on April Fool’s Day, they even “tricked” the PPA parents too! Take a look at the station grouping section of the Park Prep “Daily Note” that was sent home on Wednesday. Regardless of which station group the students were in, it was certainly was a busy day!
The fun continued on Wednesday as the students began the art and musical exploration of the theme of the week – vehicles! For their morning work, the students created the following Vroom, Vroom Vehicle art project by pushing Various Vehicles through paint and “racing” them on the road!
With a little help from an adorable book called, “Truckery Rhymes”, the students even had a chance to explore the theme of the week musically!
The students then continued their Vehicle exploration during Spanish class in the afternoon as they began a new unit – La Transportación (Transportation). Naturally, the students could hardly contain their excitement when the new Vehicle Vocabulary words listed below were introduced!
Carro – Car
Bicicleta – Bike
Barco – Boat
Avión – Plane
Tren – Train
Camión – Truck
Autobús – Bus
Helicóptero – Helicopter
Thursday began with a mini-technology presentation all about a very useful and sometimes smelly vehicle – can you take a guess which vechile the students made on Thursday? Take a look below!
If you said, “Garbage Truck” then you are correct! The students loved creating their tissue paper garbage trucks. They particularly enjoyed the following animated reading of a PPA Classroom Library favorite – I STINK! by Kate and Jim McMullan. Be sure to watch below to hear this amazing story come to life!
Thursday afternoon wrapped up with a discussion all Spring Recess! The students took turns telling their friends what they would be up to over the break. Some of the highlights include: Vacations to tropical locales in Mexico and the Caribbean as well as some far away travel to India, China, Italy, and Singapore to name a few! Other friends are planning more of a “stay-cation” and plans for some SLEEPOVER trips to Grandma and Grandpa’s were mentioned as well! One thing is more sure, the Park Prep kids are certainly going to enjoy their break!
Well, that is all for “Letter V is for Vehicle Week”. As always, we hope you enjoyed reading this week’s posting. Thank you and have a wonderful Spring Recess!
School resumes Monday, April 13th
Returning Students:
2015-2016 Re-Enrollment Tuition Balance is due on Wednesday, April 15th