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“Letter X is for X-Ray Week” Blog Recap!

Hello all,

“Letter X is for X-Ray Week” was, in a word, e-X-cellent!  Be sure to read below to learn about all the fun that was had and learning that took place!

The students returned to school on Monday and were so excited to learn that it was Earth Day!  They spent the day discussing the many ways we can help protect and take care of our wonderful planet!   Here is a list of “Ways To Help Our World” they created.



They also created the following “Happy Earth Day” collage art project!



Later in the day, the students were visited by a PPA Mommy Guest Reader who selected a special story to read to the class in honor of the important day!  A special PPA Thank You to the Mommy below for helping us celebrate!



On Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the students entered the classroom and much to the surprise of the teachers, nearly ALL had xylophones in hand! The colorful instrument was clearly the most popular share of the week. It seemed like EVERYONE at Park Prep plays the xylophone when they are not at school.  After the shares had been discussed, the students got right to work on their letter writing/tracing activity sheets. By far the most silly picture of the activity was the picture of the Pristella maxillaris, more commonly known as the X-Ray Fish! Although the students enjoyed coloring in the cartoon X-Ray fish, it was clear that they much preferred the opportunity to see a close-up of a real X-Ray Fish later on in the day.

The fun continued in the afternoon as the students brainstormed all the X words they could think of for the class letter list.  Not surprisingly, the X list was a tough one. In order to help lengthen it, Miss Jocelyn’s suggestion that the students should “think of words where you hear the X sound inside” led to slightly mispronounced words like X-scalator and X-cape! Eventually the students came up with some really great words.



The X-Ray art eXploration began on Thursday morning!  After learning that X-Ray images help us see the bones inside our body, the students could hardly wait to get started on creating their hand X-Ray art projects.  One by one, the students headed over to morning work to have their hands traced in white chalk to make the outline of their hand for the X-Ray.  They then used Q-Tips to create the bones of their fingers and hand.  Take a look at their X-Rays below!  Thankfully, all of these X-Rays showed perfectly healthy bones!



The X-Ray eXploration continued on Friday with a Foot X-Ray this time!



Also on Friday, the students were visited by not one, not two, but THREE visitors!  The Mommy, Big Sister, and Big Cousin (from Ohio!) came in to read to the students.  What an eXcellent way to start the day!



Throughout the week, the students participated in both Spanish and Music class.  Here is the X-Ray song they learned!


The X-Ray Man

Sung to the tune of “Muffin Man”

Do You Know The X-Ray Man?

The X-Ray Man?

The X-Ray Man?

Do You Know The X-Ray Man?

He Takes Pictures Of My Bones!


Oh, He Loves The Letter X.

The Letter X.

The Letter X.

Oh, He Loves The Letter X.

And Likes To X-Ray Me!


Friday afternoon wrapped up with a technology presentation that featured an exciting Animal X-Ray game!  The students had a blast trying to “Guess the Animal X-Ray”.  Take a turn and see how you do guessing the animal in each X-Ray.  Good Luck!


Well, how did you do?

Animal X-Ray #1 -Frog

Animal X-Ray #2 – Veiled Chameleon

Animal X-Ray #3 – Marmoset (Monkey)

Nice work! Now for a real tricky one! Can you guess this animal?



Believe it or not, this is the X-Ray of a rabbit!  The students all seemed to think it was parrot!  Did you?

Well, that’s all for “Letter X is for X-Ray Week”.  As always, we hope that you enjoyed reading and we will see you neXt week for some more learning and fun!  Have a wonderful weekend!




May Tuition is due next week

Monday (3 dayers)

Tuesday (2 and 5 dayers)

Next PPA Event:

Mother’s Day Celebration

Friday, May 10th

2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

(no aftercare available that day)

We kindly ask that attendance is limited to PPA Students and their Mommies.  Thank you!