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“Letter Z is for Zebra Week” is next!

Hello all,

“I Love My Mommy Week” was full of hard work and loaded with love!  The students spent the entire week (and part of the one prior) crafting the most incredible gifts to present to the amazing Park Prep Academy Mommies at the 2013 Mother’s Day Celebration!  Although the concept of a surprise was a bit lost on some, overall the students did a super job keeping everything hush-hush until Friday at  the Mother’s Day Celebration!  Read on below to learn about the students’ week while they prepared for the big day! To help them get into the right mindset, the students created a list of many reasons why Mommies are as special as they are.  Here is what they came up with.


After discussing all of the special things that make Mommies so special, the students learned what they would be making throughout the week.  Seeing that the Mommies do such a wonderful job helping the students grow, the teachers thought it would be fitting for the students to create a hand painted flower pot and base for the Mommies to grow flowers!  The pots and bases were pretty plain so the students worked diligently painting them to add a big splash of color (and glitter too).  After much hard work, the pots and bases were set aside to dry; they looked absolutely beautiful!  Take a look below to see the multi-day process involved in creating these gorgeous works of art!

With the flower pots set aside waiting to dry before being be glazed (by the teachers), the students wondered what they would make next for the Mommies.   Seeing that all Mommies love beautiful jewelry and things their children make them, necklaces seemed like a fabulous idea!  The students got right to work beading gorgeous handmade beaded necklaces for their Mommies.  Bead by bead, the necklaces were strung, tied and set aside.

Once the necklaces were complete, the students selected which color tissue paper should be used to wrap their gift!  The necklace was placed gently inside the flower pot and the tissue paper was wrapped around then sealed with a ribbon.  A label was added to the outside of the tissue and the gifts were put aside until the celebration.


The final project for Mother’s Day was a great one!  The students would become not only the authors but also the illustrators of an “I Love My Mommy Because” Book.  The students took turns coming up and completing the sentence, “I LOVE MY MOMMY BECAUSE…”  Their words were recorded and illustrations were added.  Here are some of the pages that the students created.  Aren’t they incredible?  No matter what answer the students stated, they all seemed to share the sentiment that the PPA Mommies are the best around!

Finally, all of the Mother’s Day projects were complete and it was time for the celebration!  The Mommies entered the school in droves and the party began!  First, the teachers greeted the Mommies and then the class book was read aloud.  From the smiles on the Mommies faces, it was clear that they loved the book!  Next, the students came to the center of the classroom and performed a beautiful rendition of a very special Happy Mother’s Day song that they had been practicing throughout the week.  Watch below to see the performance.  After the performance, the gifts were distributed and the room erupted with cheer, laughter, kisses and hugs!  The Mommies put their brand new necklaces on and helped themselves and the students to some yummy treats before heading home for the weekend.


Photo SharingVideo SharingPhoto Printing


What a blast the 2013 Mother’s Day Celebration was!  The students and their Mommies sure do know how to have a good time!  Thank you to all of the Park Prep Mommies for all that you do everyday.  We hope you all have a wonderful day on Sunday. Well, that is all for “I Love My Mommy Week”.  As always, thank you for reading and have a fun and safe weekend!



Next School Closing:

Monday, May 27th – Memorial Day

Summer Camp – 1st installment due on Wednesday

Theme for Next Week:

Click here to view all of the photos from the 2013 PPA Mother’s Day Celebration!