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“Letter Z is for Zippers (laces, buttons, snaps, etc.) Week” is next!

Hello all,

“I Love My Mommy Week” was full of hard work and loaded with love! The students spent the entire week crafting the most incredible gifts to present to the amazing Park Prep Academy Mommies at the 2015 Mother’s Day Celebration! Read on below to learn about the students’ week while they prepared for the big day!

To help them get into the right mindset on Monday, the students created a list of many reasons why Mommies are as special as they are. The list included great answers such as: Mommies are beautiful and give great hugs! Mommies make boo-boos go away! Mommies read funny stories at bedtime! After discussing all of the special things about Mommies, the students learned what they would be making special gifts to help say “Thank you and I love you” to the PPA Mommies! Seeing that the PPA Mommies are so special, one gift would not be enough but three gifts seemed just right! Continue on below to learn about these three amazing gifts that the students spent the week working on!

The first gift the students made was a special Canvas Tote bag for Mommy. The students all agreed that the beige bags looked a bit dull; it was decided pretty quickly that the bags should be decorated! In order to do so, the students began by writing their names in chalk. Next, the students had their hands painted different colors and stamped them on the front of their bags. With a little help from the teachers, the phrase “Happy Mother’s Day” was added and the students’ names were puffed painted directly over their chalk writing!  Once the paint on the back of the bags had dried, the students worked on decorating the front of the bags.  Here is how the completed canvas tote gift turned out.


mommy day bags


Once the bags were complete, the students began part two of their Mother’s Day gifts – a beaded key chain!  The students strung assorted colored and shaped beads on a lanyard which (with a little teacher help) was looped onto a key ring!  A paper key was added to help keep track of which child had created which keychain!  They sure turned out beautifully!




On Thursday, the students began working on the final Mommy gift – a page in the “Class ‘I Love Mommy Because…’ Book”.  One by one the students were asked why they loved Mommy.  Whether their responses were funny or sweet, one thing is for sure – the PPA Mommies are certainly loved a lot!


mommy book


Friday morning was spent wrapping the presents and also rehearsing a special performance that the students would perform later that day at the 2015 PPA Mother’s Day Celebration!  Finally, Friday afternoon had arrived and it was time for the party!  Once the room had filled up with PPA students and Mommies, the celebration began!  What a special day it was!  Below please find some of the photographic highlights from the 2015 PPA Mother’s Day Celebration.  Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this entry to view the entire photo gallery!


mothers day


Thank you to all of the INCREDIBLE Mommies of Park Prep Academy.  We hope you had a wonderful time!  Happy Mother’s Day!



Next School Closing:

Memorial Day – Monday, May 25th

Theme for Next Week:


Click here to view all of the photographs from the

2015 PPA Mother’s Day Celebration!