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“I Love Mommy Week” Blog Recap!

“I Love Mommy Week” Blog Recap!


Hello all, “I Love My Mommy Week” was full of hard work and loaded with love!  The students spent the entire week (and part of the ... Continue Reading ››

“Letter Y is for Yoga Week” Blog Recap!

“Letter Y is for Yoga Week” Blog Recap!


Hello all, Yippee! Yay! Yahooooooo! "Letter Y is for Yoga Week" was such a blast! After a weekend of fun in the sun, the students were ... Continue Reading ››

“Letter X is for X-Ray Week” Blog Recap!

“Letter X is for X-Ray Week” Blog Recap!


Hello all, "Letter X is for X-Ray Week" was, in a word, e-X-cellent!  Be sure to read below to learn about all the fun that was ... Continue Reading ››

“Letter W is for Whiskers Week” Blog Recap!

“Letter W is for Whiskers Week” Blog Recap!


Hello all, “Letter W is for Whisker Week” was Wonderful, Wondrous, at times Warm, sometimes Wet, but always WaCkY, and WiLd! Read on below to learn ... Continue Reading ››

“Letter V is for (Vehicles that) Vroom Week” Blog Recap!

“Letter V is for (Vehicles that) Vroom Week” Blog Recap!


Hello all, “Letter V is for Vehicles that Vroom Week” was ViVid, Vigorous,  and ViVacious!  Although the letter V is not the most common letter in ... Continue Reading ››